Losing reception all the time with FP4

Hey, I just had the FP4 for a couple of days but I lose reception all the time when I’m not connected to Wifi. Almost everytime I lock the phone. When i turn on airplane mode and turn it off it works again for a while. Any help?

Hi and welcome, try to disable VoLTE. If it solves the issue, please report to Fairphone support #contactsupport and name your provider, there are German topics covering this issue for O2 Network


Thank you, I just saw other topics covering this. I turned Volte Off. Let’s hope it works. I’ll report this as you suggested.


Thanks for the hint. Helped in my case for two days now. I’m using Aldi Talk respectively O2 (Germany) and reported it to the FF support.
My impression -could be wrong though- was that the problem occurred first after the December safety update.


It works for me with VoLTE turned Off. I’m also with Aldi Talk and haven’t had a Problem with reception since.


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