Loose connection of the USB-C port covered by guarantee?

Hello there,

since a few weeks I have a loose connection of the USB-C port. Charging is only possible if the cable is pushed against at a certain angle. Cleaning the port did not help. The problem persists with all chargers and cables which do work fine for other products.

Is this covered by the guarantee? The support cannot help me as I have /e/OS installed and not Fairphone OS. Would it be worth investing the time to reinstall Fairphone OS to prove that it is a hardware problem?

Kind regards, J

Welcome to the Community Forum.

Frankly what I would do if I had this problem on my FP4 would be to check if the speaker (module) still sits firmly in place. The USB-C port is held in place under/by the speaker, so you might want to check if the six screws in the speaker (see Step 6 in the link) are still tightened or if something has loosened:

By the way, the whole procedure described in the article certainly takes just a fraction of the “25-45 minutes” estimate stated at its top.

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Hi Urs,

thank you for your suggestion. I removed both speaker module and charging port and inserted them again making sure the screws are tightened. But the problem still persists.

Kind regards, J

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A new USB-Port ist about 15€:

So it’s maybe worth a try instead of reinstalling software and sending the phone back and forth.

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Have a try cleaning it again, i Had this a few Times across different phones and the Users Always Said they cleaned it, but there always was compressed dust in the bottom looking Like plastic…
Worth another try before buying a New Port…


same story for me.
Once I read your post, I decided to re-check more deeply the connector. This time with a needle. And to my surprise and joy a big chunk of compacted dust came out !
Thank a lot, I was in the process of ordering a new port. And you save me all the waiting and trouble not to have a working phone !


Today, I have the problem with the USB-C port, that the plug cannot be attached correctly anymore, some 1-2 mm are missing. Did somebody else have such a problem? I really do not know why this happened, the port looks ok, nothing broken, no dirt. I would be good to know what happened to minimize the risk of re-occuring later. Fortunately charging still works
Anyway, I ordered the official replacement already, the perfect and very good thing about Fairphones

Did you just look or really digged into it with a needle? Dirt can be really compressed and not well visible then I guess.

Magnetic cable


No, I did not dig into the port, as I am not at home and I do not have any tools available. Yesterday it worked well until I removed the cable from my charger in the evening and this morning it failed.

EDIT: I actually found some dust in the port, removed it and now it’s gone. The replacement is on its way, but that is ok, maybe I can use it at a later point in time


I had the same issue, and used a needle to dig some dust out. Now the plugs (charger, audio adapter, Android Auto in car) on the USB-C port go in well and stay in place. Thanks for the tip!


Same Issue here.
Same Solution.
Looks impossible at a first sight but actually, using the ‘needle’ supplied by other phones to open the SIM drawer, a very compact layer of dust come out.
Never had this issue before with any phone (have to be a design problem)

Sure, it’s a complete different USB-C port than in any other phone :wink:

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