Looking for FP3 display module (UK)

What product(s) are you looking for?

A display module/ screen for FP3

Where would it/they need to be shipped (country or city)?

UK (could pick up if in London)

Other, remarks:

my screen is smashed and the official store doesn’t have any! Please let me know if you have one to sell

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Be aware, that cross-border shipment of batteries outside a phone is virtually impossible for individuals.

Sorry to hear about your screen, but… Forgive me asking, are you sure there are none available in the shop?
I have just put one in the basket…

Yes its not available and the shop is still badly setup. You can add it to your card, it tells you it was added, however the card is empty (as your screenshot shows). When you look further into the spare part itself, only then you will see its out of stock. No idea really what the HP maintainer are doing since the new HP…

@anna_jopp the new HP is really bad. When will this setup finally by finished? At the moment it feels like work in progress and a published beta test page not tested before going live.

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looking on the UK site it just shows as out of stock - and it looks from the replies below that that’s the case across the board :frowning:

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I feel like a dummy now, so sorry for speaking up without double checking
I hope you’ll find the display fast

Hi everyone, sorry for the late response. @yvmuell, we are aware there are still issues with the new website - I am alerting my colleagues of every bug I am aware of and they are working to get them all fixed as soon as possible. Really sorry for the inconvenience!

@lvpen : The displays are not permanently out of stock, we are expecting them to come back soon. I am trying to find out an ETA and will let you know as soon as I know more. :iphone:


Hi @lvpen and everyone else waiting for them: I just received the information that the displays will be back in stock at the end of January / beginning of February. Thank you so much for your patience!


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