Looking for FP 2 for spare parts in Belgium

What product(s) are you looking for?

I’m looking for a FP2 even a not functioning one to get some spare parts out of it, in particular I’m looking for a functioning antenna cable.


(Once you have found the product you were looking for, please add [FOUND] in front of the topic title or ask one of the #communitymoderators to do it for you)

Where would it/they need to be shipped (country or city)?

Other, remarks:

NB: If you are interested and want to send a direct message, you will have to be a basic user on the forum. Reference about how to become one and other trust levels can be found here
Be aware, that cross-border shipment of batteries outside a phone is virtually impossible for individuals.

While I cannot provide a cable for you, you might find this interesting:

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