List of FP3 reviews meta-discussion

I tried doing that, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that. I agree that would be ideal! If it is not possible, I agree the option of splitting it in multiple posts is a possibility.

I turned this into a public topic cause I don’t know how else to do this (I hope that’s OK, as we did not discuss any PII). @paulakreuzer do you know how to solve deeplinking into the topic of the languages so that one can click on Deutsch and skip to the German list?

I think @Stefan once told me how to do that, but I have to admit I don’t remember it.

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I’ve added a link for “Español”. Just the flag does not fit within the link… You may have a look at it if you like it anyway…


Thank you! It works here. I can’t currently fix it further, so feel free to fix the rest. Else I’ll do it later today or tomorrow.


What do you mean? Just the flag should work too:


PS: Do we really need the flags after each link if the links are categorized by language anyway?

Maybe you can get the flag to show, by adding a “.” in the line above it.

Actually I meant the anchor link at the lower part of the page.

Well… I remember there was already a longer discussion in the forum regarding flags, time ago…

If I’ve more time later, I may try to fiddle around with it a bit more…

A different question: does it still give sense that this topic (I mean “Curated list of reviews …”) is globally pinned? It avoids that the topic is bumped up on changes (in case you order the topics for “latest” and have read the topic…)…

I agree, it gets too noisy, which is also why I wanted to abbreviate it better.

However what to do with the ones which are specific for example for Austrians? Would that one then have the Austrian flag still?

Well, I had no idea, that pinning interferes with bumping up on changes.
My perception was, that the topic went ever further down the line and was hard to find for adding links.
And it never went up in the list after having added something. So I finally pinned it (for two weeks).
I thought that people coming for the first time to the forum because of the FP3 could profit from such a list.
But it is not exactly something I have put my heart in.

Since the posting is so well organized and perfectly structured, the flags at every article are really superfluous.
The flags on top of the list for each country in my opinion serve a purpose.
The ones for specific countries are not necessary as well in my opinion, since the articles, that are linked, have the specific tld-ending (.at; .ch; .be; .ar).

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I deleted the “closed” and “pinned” posts. Now bumping should work again. I don’t think pinning interferes with bumping, I just think the Wiki needs to be a single post.
Tbh I didn’t read a single article about the FP3 yet and unpinned the topic for me immediately, so I’m not the one to be asked whether it should remain pinned.

PS: Yup, it just bumped.

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Now you can even click on the flags and you’ll be forwarded to the according language topic :wink:
I’ve tried it out on PC using Firefox and on FP2 using Fennec - and both works…

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Almost all flags are removed now. I kept the ones which denote that it is meant for a different country than the native spoken language. Cause I can imagine someone from India wants to read a review meant for people in India.


I have added italian sources and an arrow to return to the top at the end of every country.
I wonder, why the “target-points” are always “over the top” :wink:


Very much appreciated!

My orig. idea was to really curate the list and only post (quality) reviews; not news items about release or low quality reviews. Not sure what to do about that now…

You could make a small list of curated reviews and hide the rest of the gathered links in a spoiler.

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Ok, sorry for destroying that idea by flooding the posting with news.
I had not the time to curate the list, i.e. read all the articles.
To me the posting was a means to show, how widespread the FP3 was received in the news and to offer everyone in this forum a chance for finding news in the right language.

Maybe we could use a symbol to differentiate
:newspaper: editorial
:newspaper::bangbang: interesting editorial (as that classification is a matter of personal choice, it might in fact be unnecessary.
:grey_exclamation: Newsflash/Press Release/TechSpecs

I would use :newspaper::bangbang: for e.g. the articles from techcrunch, endgadget, Forbes and FastCompany .
The :grey_exclamation: should be easy to attribute, even in foreign languages.

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For reference:


Bert it is no problem. I thought the word curated implied such, but I could’ve known beforehand. It is nice to show how widespread the FP3 is in the news, but apart from fuzzy feelings, what is the point for the reader? See hereunder [1]. If you ask me for a good smartphone, and I reply with 135 options, what good is my answer?

Less is more. Hence my idea was to only share interesting articles such as an iFixit teardown, or substantial facts (e.g. from interview with employee) which were previously unknown. Together with multiple languages (which serves the reader), I expected quite a list indeed. If people from different backgrounds then curate the list (to qualify which are best, and put those on top) then we get a more qualitative list. I can do this for the English and Dutch articles. By doing so, it becomes more a curated list than it currently is. We can keep the less interesting articles while putting emphasis on the better ones. One way is by sorting them based on quality (loosely), another is by using the icons you suggested. I suggest we do both!

[1] That my idea was X, does not mean it should be(come) X. Before we continue the discussion, I’d say we need to reach consensus on what the point is of this very list.

Addendum: before we implement your icons, does anyone have any suggestions to improve this? For example, I was thinking of (partial) teardown being marked as such? Maybe? :hammer_and_wrench:? I’m not very good with emojis…

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