Lineage 17.1 - FP2

A strange behavior:
Every time I switch off/reboot the system starts with 8.April, 18:23.
This happens regardless several manual corrections respectively syncs via network.
These seem not to be stored.
Date/time is only set correctly via mobile data i.e. mobile data connection is on & option is set in settings.
Any ideas?
Might this be a bug in the nightly build lineage-17.1-20200408-nightly I used for update?

Edit: It definitely takes date & time from the build.
After lineage-17.1-20200410-nightly its now 10.April; 18:18

Edit2: seems to correspond to bug#272899 ‘FP2: init: Modify time_daemon to allow settimeofday() fallback’

I don’t know if it is the same date and time. But that had happen to me too. I started the phone and had only some “random” date and time. Only after the phone gets a connection the date and time are updated.
It seems the phone doesn’t store it when it is set in the settings that it should be get automatically. But I didn’t try other settings.

I always get the same wrong date & time.
I tried various combination of settings with/without time/time zone via network.
But no change anyway.
i.e. time/date is never stored however the settings.

I remember the “clock reset” bug that was finally fixed with Fairphon open 17.02.0:

Maybe something in there that could help to fix it in Lineage too?

Thank you for the hint.
Though following the link I get: ‘Sorry, you don’t have access to that topic!’…

I have edited the link without the “?u=chrisse” part at the end. Does it work now?
Actually, I have had the same problems with many dictionary entries where links had the same kind of suffix related to the name of the author.
Do we have new confidentiality rules on the forum that would explain this?

Thanks for your efforts, but still no access.
I can access the original post of @maba007 but not further.

Are the Quick Access buttons for the lockscreen are gone? In LOS 16.0 swiping from the bottom up was bringing up the unlock stuff. When I swipe from the right corner towards the center I had direct access to the camera app. Are these options gone with 17.1 or am I just searching not hard enough?


I do not remember having them in 16 either, although I wanted them^^ anyway, for the camera what works for me is double-pressing the unlock button - hope that helps :slight_smile:

Another feedback from my side: updated from 16 via the upgrade tutorial here: and sideloaded magisk as mentioned by @knobhead Lineage 17.1 - FP2 .

Worked perfectly, phone was not recognizing sensors before on 16 and now everything is fine :partying_face:

The topic should be accessible now.

Data restriction topic got merged.



Brilliant, thank you!

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Yes :smiley:! LOS 17.1 is again on my FP2 and I am waiting patiently for the next update. Everything else works fine. Thanks @chrmhoffmann!

FM Radio works now too.


The quick access buttons existed on LOS16.

Hello !
I noticed time to time that Magisk Hide didn’t make his job anymore, i.e. that both my banking app and pokemngo complained about a rooted device :wink:

Solution is quite simple as described on this website:

If at least basic integrity passes, MagiskHide works. If it doesn’t work, the first thing to test is to toggle MagiskHide off and on again (also see “Test MagiskHide”) .

It worked :smile: :smile: :smile: . However I feel that Addon-su + iSu (in LOS 16) was slightly more robust solution :wink:

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Thanx for the update @simonbor :+1:t4:

Btw, which manual did you use specifically
and in what way could it be better?

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Small issue with automatic display time-out here. Time-out is set to 2 minutes inactivity. This works but display fires up again after 15 seconds then disappears again for 2 minutes and so on. Display only stays off when i manually close it.

I noticed, that after every update the mobile data of both SIM cards are deactivated.
Normally i’ve turned on one.
Does anybody else noticed that?

No. Mobile data is still on after an update.

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And is included in the newest build and works fine now.