According to this topic
Maybe this is a cure for some users:
A simple logic of mine - who knows if this will help at the end though…
From the electrical POV:
electric motor <-> generator, same principle but working in both directions.
Same here speaker <-> microphone
You may get any speaker thorn apart by cranking up the volume too much or assure your microphone starts crackling when keeping your tone too loud by yelling at your respondent.
For the later be aware to keep calm, polite, friendly and get rid of any contact which may drive you into rage.
Works just perfect for me. I am still with my 1st micro of a first batch FP2.
Btw. sometimes getting ones hearing checked surprisingly often reveals that it’s about to be lost. Then it’s not the respondents mic to be blamed.
This advice is provided totally free of charge - any modification should mention me for credits