Actually, I have referred my mum to buy a FP4 using my Keep Club code, which gave her a £50 discount (what a great deal! I almost regret having only just upgraded myself to the FP5…) and should give me 250 points, so I will breeze into Silver Tier Status regardless of the lower count…
I didn’t ‘breeze’ into Silver Tier Status because my referral points weren’t automatically awarded so a month after the referral I submitted another ticket. I have now had the owed points added, manually I believe, and I have been upgraded to Silver Tier Status, but my Tier Status points are still lagging 70 points behind my total points earned. I was also promised the missing points for my last FP3 birthday. Now I’m waiting to see my discount in the shop and free shipping update!
EDIT: I spoke too soon. Whilst I didn’t see it initially, there is now a ‘Free Shipping - Keep Club - Free shipping’ voucher in my shopping cart along with the item I added as a test, although I am yet to be able to choose a reward value higher than ‘£10.00 Off (100 points)’ despite having 380.
ANOTHER EDIT: I’m being prevented from replying so many times in a row again! So I have been kindly awarded the ‘missing’ FP3 birthday points prevented by a glitch and had it confirmed that while my Tier Status points are visually lagging behind, the total is actually correct behind the scenes, so Gold Tier Status may yet be achievable (is the personal gift from the Fairphone team worth it?). Now I’m looking to spend points, I’m finding that I only have the option to convert 100 in total, although I have well over 250. Has anyone managed to convert 250+ in one transation?