Is it worth upgrading my FP3 camera to FP3+?

Hi cvgailec, according to many users, until now the differences between the two modules were not so evident. After the camera software update, I decided to buy and install the new “+” module. I noticed a big improvement compared to the old module. Faces are not “dry” anymore, the noise on the sky (even in daytime) disappeared, the white balance is more accurate, the autofocus is faster and doesn’t go into crisis with low light like before, the details far in the background are more visible and “detailed” now. The differences are even more evident when you see the photo on the PC/Laptop. (I use the 4/3 ratio to preserve the full 12 mpx resolution). The camera sensor is a native 48 mpx (output 12), so digital zoom seems more accurate.


Just a little extra info.

The camera has 48Mp not 48mpx (48Mpx) it has 48Mps, As such although you are correct in that digital zoom may seem better it’s more down to the quality of the 12Mpx than the 40Mps

Thanks for the information, will give it a go :slight_smile:

Actually, extra question. Did you also exchange the internal camera? If so, did you see any notable differences?

The facing camera still has issues. It is a 16MPx proper but currently the settings only seem to provide 4Mpx and although this is being looked at it’s been like that for well over a year.

Video calls are often too edge enhanced especially in bright surroundings.

No sorry, I never use the selfie camera so I bought only the main camera. After some weeks I confirm the good impressions and the overall improvements, some glitches still remain but they are now marginal.


Hi, I’m hoping to upgrade the both the cameras (front and back) on my Fairphone 3 to the 3+ modules, but I’m worried it might slow down the (already very slow) time it takes the phone to take pictures…just wondering if anyone else has tried this and how it went for them? Thanks in advance!

Please search the forum, will see if I can find links, but the issue you mention shouldn’t be one, but the camera upgrades are questionable. See if you can find someone and compare the images

Why do you want to change the module?

Here is a comparison, normally the software, i.e. another App is more helpful for better quality,

Have a look here

I will move the Conversation to the one linked by amoun above