🇬🇧 Interesting links / news articles somehow related to Fairphone

Yeah I know one city in NL where people have to pay every time for each garbage bin (with different types). No matter if its full or empty, if it gets emptied you pay. Now, in theory this means the people who produce a lot of garbage pay up. In practice, people dump shit in their neighbor’s garbage bins, they dump in nature (it has some beautiful nature surroundings). The latter is an environmental crime, but what’s a law worth if the chance of being caught is too low? I believe its better to tax via the municipal tax.

Makes me wonder what happens in China with their social credit system :stuck_out_tongue:


In other news:

Circular Economy Action Plan The European Green Deal #EUGreanDeal

Its a 28 page PDF, have not read it myself yet.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Everyday astronaut - discussing SpaceX and its founder

Hi, nice graphic. Nothing here about health impacts due to radiation.

Because that effect is not scientifically proven. There are some hypothesis, research on mice. There was a research done about 10 years ago by Nokia, in Switzerland. The result was nothing. What is very real though, is the fear of radiation. It is scientifically proven this does make people ill.


Blogpost on iFixIT:

It’s refreshing that Fairphone anchors their philosophy not only in their product design, but also in being a transparent company and making iFixit part of the Fairphone 3 ecosystem. Fairphone gave us open access to all the information needed to offer you Fairphone 3 repair guides on iFixit.com, in addition to their own official guides. Plus, we’re offering Fairphone 3 spare parts on our European store in collaboration with the Dutch manufacturer.

Boldface added by me.


Eco-friendly covers featured in British GQ-Magazine:

They are all available for Apple, a greater part also for Samsung phones and than some Huawei and Google phones.
None for Fairphone so far.
The kickstarter-project by agood.com would be the first one from that list.
More info; take a look at this thread:

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This article about the Fairphone 3 even mentions the Fairphone Angels program. :slight_smile:


I also appreciate the community that Fairphone has built up in Europe and around the world. The Fairphone Angels group is a vibrant ambassador program that extends and amplifies the company’s message and customer support outreach. It reminds me of a more grassroots version of the Apple Genius Bar, combined with OnePlus’ vibrant community forums and global meetups.



Not directly related to Fairphone, but at least somehow to 'Fair".

In these challenging times for many businesses it may be an option to move more into the digital world doing business.
Maybe this link from Thrusted Shops is of interest for some out there seeking for options to get an online shop up and going and thereby extending their reachability.

I stumbled over this benchmark on twitter: 2020 ICT Benchmark Overview - KnowTheChain

The other major drawbacks with the Fairphone 3 are its price and its availability. This phone retails at €450, or just under $500, which is way overpriced for what it is based on specs alone.

Unfortunately, he is still asking the wrong question. The question shouldn’t be “Why is the Fairphone so expensive?” but rather “Why are other phones so cheap?”. I obviously excluded economics of scale here and if FP produced their phones in millions they would certainly be a lot cheaper, but the term overpriced really annoys me.
Fairphone’s aren’t overpriced, Huawei’s e.g. are just extremely “underpriced” and that cost saving affects people who basically get enslaved.

Why is this so darn hard to comprehend for people?


Android 9 will be released for the Fairphone 2 and this is covered quite positively, as @Iain_Kennedy has posted in another thread :

Maybe because cheap rules. But how many would consent to such objects?
Imho people judging the Fairphone only by its price tend to belong to such and probably don’t even feel bad about it or not being aware of it.


I spotted this article on The Register - interesting angle focusing on software updates:


We’re still in the dark age of mass hallucination that we’re separate from what is outside of our bodies.


I wouldn’t describe it that drastically, but yeah - out of sight, out of mind.

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Fairphone 3 (mentioning FP2 too) ranked #2 for most secure phones for privacy by MakeUseOf because of their Fairphone Open OS.

The rank is as follows:

  1. Purism Librem 5 (#librem-5) because of its FLOSS OS and its kill-switches
  2. Fairphone 3 with Fairphone Open (in early-stage development)
  3. Pine64 PinePhone because of its FLOSS OS (although they don’t mention its kill-switches)
  4. Apple iPhone 11 because of the business model of Apple, at the cost of vendor lock-in and expensive price, and they aknowledge the phone is far from perfect for privacy-enthusiasts

Fairphone develops a de-Googled operating system known as Fairphone Open. This was initially released alongside the Fairphone 2 and is currently in early-stage development for the Fairphone 3. You can install Fairphone Open on the Fairphone 3, although the process isn’t straightforward.

Are they talking about /e/? Or did I miss the fact that FPOOS was being developed for FP3?

However, that’s not to say that Apple is perfect for privacy-enthusiasts. The company still gathers data about you and your habits, but this is used to customize your experience with Apple products, rather than create an advertisement profile. Much of the data is stored locally on your device rather than synced to the cloud.


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