Installation of Fairphone OS fails

I have installed lineage OS on my fairphone 4 and want to swich to Fairphone OS.#
I followed the instruction at:
Installing Fairphone OS Manually – Support

But when I want to start the installation my computer (Windows) doesn’t find the phone.

It says:

Do you have any ideas what to do?

Display of the fairphone connected via USB:

When you succeed with the installation, don’t lock your phone straightaway.
First you run the command:
fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability
If the outcome is 0 you will brick your phone if you lock your phone.

Thank you very much for this advice.
But how do I manage that my computer finds the fairphone? I still get the above error message.

Thats normally a driver or cable problem, how to install missing fastboot driver is explained here

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Vielen Dank! Es war wirklich ein Windows-Treiber-Problem. Nach der Treiberinstallation hat es geklappt!


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