The battery of my fairphone 1 is rapidly running out of power. I guess I need a new battery. Does anyone have one for me, or does one of you know how to get a new one (or a used one of good quality)? Hope to hear from you. Greetings, Wijnand.
Just don’t let yourself be frightened by the first posting.
The generic battery is working fine for me and my wife.
We use cardboard for spacers. The silicone ones by jubatec don’t work for us; too soft.
But there’s another interesting solution in this posting:
Hello BertG,
what is the type and the serial number of that battery?
It depends on the reseller. These are not original batteries, but generic aftermarket batteries for Huawei phones. Incidentally they have the same polarity and (almost the same width of the FP1 battery, but the height is about 1 cm smaller. That’s why you will need a spacer.
Find more compact information here:
@BertG @paulakreuzer Let’s no longer link to the other topic as its length can be intimidating and it is hard to find the information there quickly.
It’s a Huawei HB5N1H replacement battery.
We have the one from AkkuKing from this listing:
But the one from vhbw is working equally fine according to other users in the thread. And towards the end of the thread, there is a new supplier “jubatec”. Battery seems fine, even if the spacer fails.
The availability infos from this thread of course are no longer valid.
You might check the links in the thread, wher you surely find all info you are looking for.
For any further questions don*t hesitate to ask.
@Stefan Thought so myself.
That’s why I linked at least relevant postings.
Maybe time for a wiki?
The ✏ Fairphone 1 battery specs and facts -topic is a wiki. fp1battery
Thanks for your support!
Hoi Wijnand
Ik heb een prima batterij voor de Fairphone 1. Je mag hem zo van mij hebben.
Wel zou ik de batterij graag via jouw telefoon dan eerst nog een keer opladen zodat ik nog wat gegevens van mijn F 1 kan halen. ( Die laadt niet meer op en ik heb nu een F2)
Ik woon in Nijmegen, jij? Misschien kunnen we ergens afspreken?
tel 06 37093279, Groet, Annelies
@annelies_martens If the display is fine, be sure to offer it on the #market or donate it to your local #fairphoneangels.
Wijnand heeft al een andere batterij via Tilburg Fairphone Community tegen portokosten gekregen.