I keep losing my phone, so need to attach it to my belt

Hi, partly due to my brain injury, I can very easily lose me phone.
At the moment, I have it on a piece of string with a spring Carabiner, so I can clip it to my belt.
Can anyone tell me if the is any way to attach a thing piece of climbing rope to either the phone itself, or a case that the phone is in. At the moment, I’m not too sure what model to go for, it might just be the one I can attach the rope to,

I would like to show you a picture of what I mean, but I don’t enough points for that. If I ever get up to that level, I’ll try and update this post with a snap!!!

you should be able to attach an image even as a new user, but you need a higher trust level to upload attachments - see Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

You should be able to get a case with a string, like for example this one

I would assume it should be generally easy to get a case with a string for most of the phones


Here is the type of thing that I am trying to achieve.

You won’t be able to tie a lace/string to the “naked” phone, it just hasn’t got a “hole” for that.
You will need to add a case that allows to connect a string to it, or one that already comes with one (see Meaghan’s example).

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For cases for specific models of Fairphone you will find specific threads on this forum, I am linking the one on FP5 cases

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I keep losing my phone, so need to attach it to my belt

@WindcheetahMartin, many cases like https://www.amazon.co.uk/TTYSHTT-Fairphone-Protector-Kickstand-Protective-Black/dp/B0CKWZZ4VJ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=29L0SESOIEGJK&keywords=fairphone+5+case+cover&qid=1707088815&sprefix=fairphone+5+case+cove%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-4 have a lanyard hole, which you can connect using to a lanyard like https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ouligay-Paracord-Necklace-Whistles-Activities/dp/B0BW8NTNCQ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2A7DX5T3RZBXW&keywords=paracord+lanyard&qid=1707088925&sprefix=paracord+lanyar%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-5, which itself can connect to your belt using something like https://www.amazon.co.uk/TANCUDER-Tactical-Carabiner-Backpack-Keychains/dp/B07V6WC1QS/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1FCH2LJ2T0RSV&keywords=molle+key+holder&qid=1707088891&sprefix=molle+key+holde%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-7, which can affix to most 2.5" belts. Alternatively, and/or additionally, you can use a pouch like https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C6M31X3Q/?coliid=I2BKY96G3FNYYO&colid=30OJKHUKDBRT1&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it, which affixes directly to the belt and has a toggle at its top for a lanyard too. I prefer this to merely clipping it to my belt.

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