I hate my FairPhone 4

Same here, using FP2 with LineageOS since 2019, I’ve also recently switched to /e/OS solved many issues I was having with the current LOS. SW-wise my FP2 feels like new :slight_smile:


I also have the ghost touches issue.

I sent it to the repair center, which was long and quite painful (it took me months to sent it and have it back). It worked fine at first, but again we are in the same spot.

It appears that the FP4.SP2J.B.086 update (august 2023) did solve the issue for Android 12. I haven’t tested it since at that time, the device was in the repair center, and it took me some time to get courage and patience in order to test my FP4.

Right now, with the latest FP4.TP2D.C.0112 update (april 2024) with Android 13, I’m having the same issue with the ghost touches, so clearly there is a regression.

I hope they can cherry pick the fix to the Android 13 SO version soon. It’s not usable at the moment.

For future reference, here are the release notes for Fairphone 4 OS.

I’m on the same version but the screen doesn’t seem any more sensitive than any other update since they decreased it to mitigate the issue. I think it’s just coming back on my new screen finally. I don’t think it ever went away completely it’s harder to tell with the mitigation patch that makes it less gnarly when it happens.

To not further duplicate the ghost touch topic I will close here