I hate my FairPhone 4

I have bought a PIXEL7 and will sent in my FP4 for repair for the last time.
If it gets back i will sell it directly and never look back.

Bought in April, I’m most of the time outdoor. Due to the screen-darkening, it was practically not to use. In my point of view, it’s not working as advertised, therefore 100% money back. But, no way, have to live with, allways running for shade. Fairphone anounced an update for october!!! They did not care for more then half a year, but developed Fph5!

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So you bought it knowing the problem (thread since February in the forum) and Fairphone announced the bug will be solved in October update.

Look at Random Screen dimming (while brightness slider stays at 100%) after A12 update for solution and explanation of the phenomenon.


Of course I did not know! When it first occured, I contacted Fairphone. Answer: not our problem, go to the shop where you bought it. (!!!) I went to the seller, they did not know eather, changed the screen protector for another 30 Swiss Franks. As the issue did not go, I started to search and found this forum and the answer. Fairphone and the retailer lied to me on purpose, that’s why I hate this brick and NEVER AGAIN will even think of bying a Fph.


It can be frustrating to deal with these issues, especially if you paid a lot of money for something that does not work properly.

However, being angry will not help at all. Worse, it will affect you more than the phone. I know about computer rage from personal experience, and it’s not healthy. Some advice based on my experience:

Claiming (fairphone) support lied is just a way to create a narrative in your mind that can help you be angry. Try to understand they are just people (usually not developers or engineers) trying to find what you describe in their database. You can instead say they were not helpful at all resolving your issue.
In general, directing anger like this can lead to even more speculation and you can then direct anger at anyone saying something good about fairphone, or hating on moderators, etc.

Calling the device a brick is usually done in the hope that this will make others understand just how bad it is, and justify the amount of anger. But this definition used to be used when e.g. the device doesn’t turn on at all. Your device has an issue that makes the phone a pain to use in your daily life, we get that. This is definitely a good reason to get a refund, no need to call everything completely worthless or a brick to get your point across.

What are productive ways of dealing with this:

  • as you apparently already did, try to return the device. If you bought it from a retailer they should indeed offer you a refund or replacement if the device does not work properly. Some retailers will try to ignore that. If they don’t listen I would not go there again. I don’t think Fairphone will give you a refund if you got it from a retailer.
  • if the device is not useable in your daily life, and you cannot wait until october to try the fix, look for another phone and try to sell the fairphone, which is apparently also what someone here did. You can also try to get a cheap second-hand device as a backup to use while waiting for a fix if you want to give the phone another change.

I think it was wrong from the retailer to deny you a refund, or to suggest a screen protector (if that is what they did). I never use a screen protector since it typically messes with the sensitivity of the display, and I found that they are not needed. A case that sits a mm or so above the screen is enough to protect it from a fall, and the glass is good enough to sit in pockets for years. For the fairphone 4 I would just go with the official case.

No-one will think less of you for deciding you don’t want to buy a fairphone ever again, based on your experience. But then I would also recommend finding a better retailer.

Good luck, and please try to hate less or be less angry. The phone doesn’t care, it’s just a machine. And the people you interact with will receive that anger and frustration and be less willing to deal with you.

To deal with anger myself, I try to think of things I take for granted and be grateful for that instead. Phones are technological miracles that allow us to send information wirelessly from almost anywhere, and that’s wonderful.


As i still saw ghost touches after i just got my FP4 back from a repair because i experienced bootloop screen after the android 13 update and also could not relock the boot loader as is was terrifing due to the get_unlock_ability was 0 , the dam thing is locked agian and i am gona sell it a.s.a.p and never look back. pfffffff… forget this ever happed, a few hundred euro’s down the drain.

If only the billions of angry people all over the world knew that!.. :crazy_face:

Seriously now (to all, not you specifically), anger is the natural attitude to a situation you consider needing to fight against, much like fear is the attitude to something you consider not being able to fight. Unless you’re a Zen Master, you can’t do anything about it.

So it’s IMHO pointless telling somebody who is “violently unhappy” to just chill down, swallow the pill and be grateful the situation isn’t worse. Anger needs to pass, venting off steam needs to be done, and it so happens that this forum is the only place it can possibly be done (What would the alternative be? Taking a train/plane ticket and visiting the Fairphone HQ?..). :roll_eyes:

My point is, unhappy people will always come here to express their disappointment and frustration, it’s inevitable. :man_shrugging:


Well, they should explain the problem to us regardless of how “technical” it is. I guarantee there are at least some people on this forum who will understand it anyway and can interpret it for the rest of us. Android is not secret dark magic that only one manufacturer’s outsourced development team can understand.

Coming from the free software community, the degree of lack of communication from Fairphone remains astonishing. I’m used to seeing every step of development done in the open, but not only do we not get anything like that, or descriptions of identified problems less vague than “we identified the problem”, but I these people literally disabled their bug tracker and years later gave us an intermittently edited wiki page instead. Among many other faults this means we lose any ability to comment on bugs, track their ongoing progress, etc; the developers also lose the ability to communicate such things to us.

I know this is how a lot of outsourcers work (because the less info they provide anyone, the more job protection they get and the more they can charge) but this too is not an excuse, it’s a problem – and is one of many reasons why it is usually a mistake to use outsourcers for anything (I have never yet encountered one that wasn’t simply dreadful). That massive Australian Optus disaster? One week before the disaster, Optus fired their entire networking team and turned to… outsourcers! For a telco this was unbelievably stupid. I think even Optus probably realises this now (one friend of mine made redundant at the time got a panicked re-hiring call a day after the disaster, and laughed in their faces).

Not doing at least some of your software development in-house when you sell a notably expensive phone to end-users is similarly foolish, and this whole ongoing mess is showing us exactly why. It’s now been, what, three months since the Fairphone 4 Android 13 upgrade – an upgrade which is not reversible so cannot try it out to see if it works first – but despite the fact that it had serious problems reported from the start, the outsourcers apparently cannot even be convinced to get the fixes out in a non-dilatory fashion (I mean, numerous users reporting multiple reboots a day, many of them sending their actual phones in for analysis, and the fix is held off for a month after identification?!). It would be interesting to know the relative team sizes working on Fairphone 4 versus 5… but of course we can’t know that, because we don’t even know who the outsourcers are. It’s all secret, because keeping everything secret from your customers is, oh wait Fairphone wasn’t supposed to be like that was it.

I know I for one am still on Android 12, and will probably sit there for multiple months after the next release, simply because I don’t trust Fairphone’s nameless, unidentified outsourcers’ software development practices to turn out code that works any more. Support for five years or whatever is only valuable if the support doesn’t make everything worse.


But Fairphone has never been “open” – just “fair”… :slightly_smiling_face:
While I agree with the gist of your post, I think they are a standard phone manufacturer with a “fair” label.
Where things get somewhat muddled is they build their phone hardware in easily swappable pieces, which can lead people to think they encourage tinkering. I’m not sure they actually do. It’s just a marketing argument (and a pretty strong one too, it made me prefer a FP4 to a Galaxy or a Pixel!).


Hi all,

Let me say that I love the mission of Fairphone.
But I can’t wait to buy a real phone again.

And of all the fairphone owners that I have spoken to in real life, the sentiment seems to be fairly similar. I have tried the FP3 and the FP4 and I have to say they were both pretty @$%&^ phones.
How is the sentiment on this forum?


hello, i am using FP5 and am super happy with it (the phone is slightly too big but that is on me).
For other phones may I suggest checking these threads?
:bar_chart: POLL: How satisfied or unsatisfied are you with your FP3 or FP3+?
:bar_chart: POLL: How satisfied or unsatisfied are you with your FP4?

I would say the majority of users were satisfied.


I was quite happy with the FP3, and FP5 is close to perfect for me. I can imagine that these users who have a ghost touch problem on the FP4 are not satisfied at all, but I know (only) one FP4 user and he doesn’t have any issues as far as I know.
I do however have a history of buying lower end phones so my FP5 is simply the most advanced phone I’ve ever had in my hands. So I’m easy to please :slight_smile:


I think it very much depends on your previous experience with Android phones. If I went to FP4 directly from my old Asus Zenfone 2, I think I wouldn’t complain that much. The Zenfone also had ghost touches, the UI was buggy as hell, updates were slow… Overall, it was not a pleasant experience.

But right before buying FP4, I was using Moto Z2 Play. It cost me approx. €250 and even had an AMOLED display. If it weren’t for the dying battery, cracked screen and no updates (it was a mid-range phone with only 2 major updates), I would still be using it. I had no problems with GPS. I didn’t have to think about how to position my phone on the terminal to pay via NFC. I didn’t experience any random reboots. Camera app/driver never crashed. I haven’t had any problems in sunlight (whether it be screen dimming or proximity sensor issues). During the phone calls, everyone could hear me perfectly clearly. The phone just worked. Yeah, I’m not entirely happy with my €650 FP4…


There will always be a dependency on individual use cases with this. And bad luck with hardware failures, of course.

I’m using a Fairphone 3 as my daily driver, which inherited the role from my Fairphone 2 still serving as a backup now, and I wouldn’t want to swap them for any other phones as long as they work and are getting Android security updates (the supposed Android 11 security update EOL early 2024 might force my hand with the Fairphone 2, sadly).

They just work, they do everything I need them to do, and they give me a level of control over the software situation on them which not every other phone out there does.


Using FP2 since 2018. First with LOS now eOS.
Suits my use case in daily life.
No complaints from my side.


Well, I used a FP2 for nearly four years, LOS as soon as possible, an FP3 with LOS more or less from the beginning for four years, and now have a FP5 for 1 month, sadly no LOS up to now (which simply is way more configurable), but no problems up to now

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Happy with my FP4, shure, absolutely, but I’m also probably not a regular user. I’ve been running CalyxOS for most of the time so a lot of the problems with FPOS didn’t concern me and the hardware does everything I need in a phone (mostly the non phone part).
(I have a family member on FPOS who is also very happy, but since I’m tech support for them and I usually take care of issues before it reaches their phone I wouldn’t count that as a regular user either)

Happy with Fairphone as a company, the lack of communication with us, the bricks, taking forever to fix (sometimes simple) issues, yeah, not so much …


I am a new FP5 owner, and very satisfied. I had an Apple before, and once I started to lose the satisfaction of being ‘in’ with my friends on the same platform, the experience slowly started to grate on me more and more.

I don’t lean on the phone very heavily in terms of apps or connectivity, but I haven’t seen any problems with it so far. Getting it to work in Seattle took switching carriers, but I knew that was a risk going in, and FP is clear that I am outside their support area.

I have a feeling that almost any survey or poll is going to be biased in favor of the people who are disappointed. It’s much easier to forget to look at the forum on a day when everything works just fine.


I have an FP4, previously had an FP3. Very happy with both of them. I found support and the community also very helpful. You have to remember that happy users don’t tend to go on forums to tell the world; forums are usually filled with users who have problems. If you read forums you can come away with the idea that all the users are unhappy, when really you are just seeing all the unhappy users! It’s the same for any product. Fairphone has a transparency and a connection to the community that Samsung and Google will never give you.


It’s hard to tell. On the one hand you have polls that suggest the majority likes it. And the majority probably does.

On the other hand, many people that hate their phones end up selling it and never come back here again.

Personally I’m genuinely considering selling mine and buying a Pixel 10 when it launches in two years. I have used my iPhone 13 work phone for almost 5 months now and while i hate iOS, at least people can hear me when I call them. That’s more than can be said with my Fairphone 4.

I find the biggest flaw of the FP4 to be the indie company level software support. Yeah we get updates for 5+ years, but we’re at year 2 now and the phone still feels like a beta to me.