I can't browse my phone from my computer anymore

Hi, until the update to Fairphone open 17.08.1 I was always able to browse my fairphone with a USB connetion and my (windows) explorer. (see My computer don't show my fairphone anymore via USB) I was able to see the digital content of my phone. Now, I connected the FP with several USBs (to exclude that the problem is within the USB) and I can see the FP with the USB in my explorer, but I cannot open the storage anymore. It remains all blank. Question: is this due to the last upgrade? Or, as I also created a new key with openkeychain, is this due to the new key? Thank you for any infos!

Hello Marie,
pls try to pull down the info bar on top of the phone. There u can select a few connection typ´s. Tab on: USB zum aufladen then take "Dateienübertragen"
Then it schould work to browse the Phone in the explorer… I hope so :slight_smile:

Greatings from the Bodensee…



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