How will you get Jolla Sailfish onto the Fairphone 2?

Update from the wiki: now the wlan seems working, it’s just missing the camera for a complete - ready for official support version! I can’t wait!!!


Just wondering,

did anyone already root the FP2 or install a different operating system on it? Are there any guides on how this can be done? I am not quite happy with having to use a google account.



Same here!!!

The First FP2 was delivered yesterday, so I don’t think anybody installed an alternative OS yet.

But there will be an official OS without Google Apps. At least that’s how I understood it at the webinar.

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Also, the big question is: will Sailfish OS port on FP2 support alien Dalvik, i.e. will Sailfish 0S on FP2 allow running android apps the same way you can on Jolla?


The answer for the time being is ‘No’.

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Why is that?
I always heard this is a killer feature of Sailfish.
Is this due to licensing issues? Am i right assuming the Alien Davlik is not open source software, but licensed by Jolla for the Jolla phones only? This would probably mean Fairphone would need to license this as well and provide official builds, am i right?

Alien-Dalvik isn’t created by Jolla, and is licenced from Myriad. There are a number of things like that including MS Exchange support and the XT9 text prediction engine that are also licenced from third parties.

You are correct though, Fairphone will have to pay the various licensing fees and provide official builds at a minimum, although I think Dalvik is licenced per device so I’m not sure how they can do that post-sale.

There is this in the works from the community, but is nowhere near as polished and integrated as Alien-Dalvik is


Thank you!

Very interesting insights.

If it’s licensed per device wouldn’t it be logical and better if people who wanted it pay the fees themselves?


Sure, but for whatever reason we haven’t seen an arrangement like that happen yet. But if it did, that would be of great benefit to the community Sailfish ports, and not just the Fairphone.


Thank you for your insights.

As a Jolla owner, I can confirm android support is essential to fill the inevitable functionality gap of a niche OS.

I hope an agreement can be found between Fairphone, Jolla and Myriad! I’m really hoping for the FP2/SailfishOS to be my next phone :).


I really hope FP2 gets Android app support as fast as Sailfish is available or shortly after. I fear SOS will go down (not intended lol) for most people when the app availability is worse than the number of games available for a 3310…

I am on the fence myself, and the FP2 seems awesome, even though the setup as is isn’t where I’d like it to be personally (I’d rather see upgradable parts like a base package with a 2MP camera which can be swapped for bigger stuff, up to really big stuff for those with the pockets and wish to do so). The Jolla phone is tbh spec-wise not there anymore, my Honor 4X is a stepping stone. HTC is releasing the M10 sometime this winter or spring, which is a serious contender for my sake.

If the FP2 could basically be a Jolla 2, fully working Sailfish OS and Alien Dalvik/Custom Dalvik support so you could get basic apps like Gmail, Spotify, Facebook, Snapchat and such, which are the main uses of my phone (it does find niche uses that are more technical, if that was the complete list, an old Bada-run Samsung would suffice lol).

Really hope this goes through as planned, we do need a serious contender to Android and iOS, and Microsoft isn’t the one, Blackberry, well that ship hasn’t gone down, but they are somehow sailing upside down… Maybe they should send out an SOS too (Sailfish OS) lol!


Looks like all the hardware passes the basic is-it-completely-broken test, but talking to the porters a number of bugs still remain and the packaging needs to be properly developed before it can be released


Just found this online. Might be interesting for some of you:

Sailfish OS on Fairphone 2 - a community driven project


Waiting ;D


I finally managed to have my FP2 almost working the way I wanted it to. It took me a few trials, some hard resets, but now it is set up and even some bugs fixed. I spend quite some time doing that.

That said: I can’t wait for the next reset to try out sailfish OS! Waiting for it! :Dgrin:


I’m also searching for some information to install SailfishOS on my Fairphone2 (i get it yesterday ;-)).
Does anybody have information how to get an installation instruction and image - either the community version or an official one?
I think am able to manage some troubles during hand made installation.
I’ve done this last years many time on a lot of different devices with debian ports :-),
And as i see at the community version seams to be almost ready.

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Maybe it will help asking the devs very politely for a pre-release and that you would like to test it and that you have some “beta testing” skills and are happy to report bugs? The more testers the better, I think. But maybe that’s just me.

I see a strange tendency in some communities that everything has to be release untested and during an “event”. :wink:


I’m not sure what the current situation is with regards to packaging, but if you want to help out then get yourself to #sailfishos-porters on and ask for the people doing the fairphone port.