How to switch from FP Open OS to Android 6?

I would like to switch from FP Open to Android 6 (on the FP Community Phone).
I would do this:

  1. Download theFP OS 1.13.0 (OTA Switch) to SD-card
  2. Download the Adroid 6 Update File to SD-card
  3. Download newest FP Updater .apk
  4. Install FP OS via TWRP.
  5. Install Updater.apk
  6. Install Android Update via Updater.

Would this work? We’re at a café and I don’t know if we have WLAN.


I think that should work.

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I have done it. My workflow in opposite to your suggestion: I have copied only the corresponding OTA files to SD card and have let the switch done by the updater App. It worked seamlessly.

Oh no. What went wrong?

Good question, next question. I myself didn’t do it. @bennett: can you say, what went wrong?

Updating through the updater as well as through recovery both ended up with an error message saying “unexpected contents” were encountered.

My guess is that this is somehow related to @bravido’s problem

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Hi there,

I have Fairphone Open OS installed, but would like to switch back to the normal Android, and install Android 6.0.

Could someone please share a working step-by-step process in order to achieve this?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Kind regards,


Two replies come to my mind:

First: if the reason for the switch is to get on Android 6, then you should note that the next update of FPOOS will be a Android 6 as well.

Second: if you want to proceed anyway, I would suggest to first switch back to the last FP OS 5.1 (with the official OTA-switch file; i.e., by using the updater app), and then simply upgrade your FPOS to the latest version, hence upgrading to Android 6.


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