I have an ungoogled fairphone 4 and want to back up my contacts and photos. But when trying to, it asks me to open a google account. Is there no other way to do this? I did set up a Murena account for this purpose, thinking that was what it was for…
I manually back up the data.
I create on my phone
- export contacts
Then plugin the phone to a pc and copy all data.
I would advise to follow-up on Murena account issues with Murena directly mentioning what exactly was set-up and what steps exactly your are trying that result in errors because of missing Google account.
Welcome in the forum.
Take a look here:
Yandex Disk will automatically sync your photos and Syncthing works perfectly (FP5), if you have Linux/ a FreedomBox.
I use MS OneDrive with a paid MS365 subscription (£60 per year). OneDrive asks for permission to back up photos when first logged in. It then uploads any photos I take or download from Whatsapp etc straight to OneDrive. If I open Google Photos I get asked to back up but just click no. I ve a pretty good 4G data package so it costs relatively little but you can set it to upload only on Wifi too.
Contacts are backed up too, and there’s a virtual ‘vault’ in OneDrive for more secure storage. Hope this helps!
Since nobody mentioned it.
I sync my calender and contacts over DAVx5 with that you can sync over CarDAV and CalDAV to email providers. Like this I have a cloud backup from someone I can trust with full encryption.
I personally use posteo for that. You can also setup your own server (I guess).
I use a free account with The Good Cloud in combination with DAVx5 for my contacts and agenda.
As the free account only offers 2GB it’s important to move photo’s regularly from the The Good Cloud account to a computer or something similar. To avoid filling up the 2GB.
I found it difficult to find the right link for syncing my calendar, so here is an example.
https://use02.thegood.cloud/remote.php/dav/calendars/your username/personal)
Hi, I have some experience with MyPhoneExplorer. (MyPhoneExplorer | Funktionen)
The app is available at uptodown (https://de.uptodown.com/).
Good luck.
- Option 1 : I have my own Nexcloud instance. You can get one for free (French example).
To synchronize contacts and calendar, I use DAVx5.
Nexcloud can synchronize your photos too (set up InstantUpload), but the size may be too much if you don’t want to pay for a bigger space. (Google will make you pay some day anyway). See option 2.
- Option 2 : Syncthing. Set it up both on your personal computer and the phone, and it will synchronize any designated directory between the two as soon as they see each other. Make some tests to understand what happens when you delete something on one side.
No one mentioned this as well. FE file explorer pro is a simple $4.99 purchase in not just the play store but other app stores as well. It allows multiple connections and is available on other app stores besides Google play. I remember seeing this on amazon store and Galaxy store as well for Android apps. Its an all in one tool. There is a free version but only allows one connection at a time instead of unlimited connections. Not to mention cross platform compatibility. It also is a built in media player for just about every format.
For photos/data: I’d recommend Nextcloud for day-to-day usage, but Neo Backup is great for general data and apps too (it requires root though).
For contacts: anything CardDav (e.g. Nextcloud), , or simply using the exports function in your contacts app. (Neo Backup should handle this too)
Geron’s suggestion is really good though!
As always though, remember that untested backups are not backups! Make sure you can actually restore your data from the backups you take. (check them often too! and if the data is really critical, you should also have notifications whenever it does a backup, since then you’ll notice if it fails.)
Yep, same here - have been using MyPhoneExplorer since buying FP1 and it has been working really well for me on various smartphones I’ve been using since (FP3, Samsung). Worth checking out I’d say!