Here is a statement from Fairphone community manager @Douwe:
May be money is a part of the problem, but i think this is the smaller part.
If the API between the android HAL and SailfishOS is defined the developer part are ontime costs.
This costs could be payed e.g. via croud funding. The implementation could be done within two month full time i think.
At the last collaboration meeting mal- wrote, that a few problems could not be solved because of missing information about the API.
He wrote the mittleware to the fm radio support (and get a warm handshake from jolla for that).
As i know jolla use this on the jolla c?
So i think more help and information to the community developers, in this case to mal- would solve some problems.
I think the main question between fairphone and jolla is who is the leading support company (and the dispatcher in case of a hardware or software problem).
And second the licence stuff.
I see here many requirements about the android support. As i know at freenode IRC sailfish-porters there are many information about a free/alternate android emulation - also working on the SailfishOS community port for FP2.
I don’t know the development status about that but at the IRC you can ask about sfdroid for SailfishOS on FP2 …
I didn’t read the whole thread and never tried Sailfish so far, but think I’d be willing to pay 10-20€ for a version with Android support.
As i see the situation now - Fairphone will not launch official SailfishOS Version. They simply have no people to support it. The only possibility, that i see is:
Community Version (Thanks again, mal-!) + Official Alien Dalvik from Jolla in the Jolla Store as a paid app.
After one year there are still no official Sailfish Version and no official support. I doubt Fairphone will release it in the future.
Fairphone has other problems atm. They sold more Smartphones, as they could produce. They were not ready for such Success.
So don’t count on official Sailfish version. Count on community version.
Its hard but probably true…
I wonder what would be needed to make that happen…
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