happy to see there is a discussion around sailfish + commercial parts! I think a lot of users are in need of new hardware as the old jolla phone is getting older and older … mine is almost done. There is no sufficient alternative available right now. I think it is very critical for Jolla/Sailfish to be successful to get new hardware for all customers as soon as possible! OS with no or very very old hardware is useless. Of course I am willing to pay for sailfish support! Please hurry up
Even though I prefer a one-time payment because I already have too many subscriptions to keep in mind, I would suggest a subscription model to make sure that Sailfish OS is solidly financed so that there will be updates and security fixes until the amount of users is too small to pay further developments.
I also would like to see sailfish as an official OS on Fairphone. Price around 40€ and updates.
Jolla phone user since Januari 2014 with no Android. Although hardware is outdated comparing to
new phones the OS runs very smoothly on the phone.Only problem for me is that there are no spare parts
available for phone after 2,5 years. While Fairphone 2 shop is filled whit it, Jolla shop is empty.
I do not have a Fairphone (yet), but I would definitely buy one when there is official Sailfish OS support (with Android app support). I also prefer a one-time payment (30 to 50 euros) and paying for (bigger) software updates (10-15 euro), while having the bugfixes and security updates for free.
Advertisement on a mobile phone is a no-go for me. I dont like to see m-commerce or stores on my phone when I can not disable them. If Fairphone does not have the resources to support Sailfish OS completely, it would be great if you could buy a licence for the third-party support.
Like Jip, I do not have any Fairphone at the moment, but would happily buy a FP2 if Sailfish OS is released for it. And I wouldn’t mind paying extra (max 100 euros or so) for the OS and for the extra software (Android support, HERE Maps and so on) as long it’s a one-time payment and there are no ads.
Do you have some news about working/not working parts or problems the development team is maybe suffering?
Just a smal note where the team is standing and what directions are taken…
The discussion here about additional money for getting Jolla with a licence for the non-free parts does not make much sense to me, when Android does have a licence fee too which would be replaced or maybe even reduced by the Jolla one. I might be wrong on this, please correct me in this case.
The correct questions would be to ask both Jolla and Fairphone:
What is the Android OS Licence fee?
What is the Final price of a Fairphone2 without an OS?
What is the Sailfish OS licence price for the non-free parts? Can it be modular, e.g. Android support is separate from MS Exchange support because maybe one or another is not needed)
P.s. I do not own a Fairphone yet but really want one if it comes with a Sailfish OS! I would even buy one tomorrow
I would also buy the Fairphone but only with Sailfish OS including Android Support.
Like for all the Products out there, there will be a time when you simply can not sell the Fairphone for the price you are selling it right now. So the sales will get lower and lower, when there is no new improvements to show. Sailfish OS for the Fairphone would be great news for everyone! It would gain a lot of publicity and and new customers, that is what this great Phone needs! It would be the first Pfone on the market with 3 alternative OSs (later more?)! But the timewindow to get it done is already closing (maybe about 3 months left)! As long as there are no alternatives on the european market for SailfishOS powered devices, Fairphone would sell a lot more phones until the other guys from TRI or PuzzlePhone start sales in europe. So if there is the Idea to get official support for Sailfish OS, act quick or cancel this thing. As long as there are no other Products with sailfish OS on the european market (and I am not talking about the 1000 Jolla C in europe and the old Jolla1) you wont have any competitors on this field. The Sailfish OS Comunity is big and it is growing! And they are all desperate for a new and sustainable device! keep that in mind!
I would already bought Fairphone, if there would be Sailfish OS with Android Support available for it. So, I sure hope it will be available some time soon
it works quite good, but without Android support and such it really lacks some functions
and it’s not fair to only load all the work onto mal- and the other people who do the whole work. (but maybe i’ve just not got enough insight) anyway, if it doesn’t get official soon, the chance to gain a lot of european customers who are looking for a sailfish-phone (and import intex aqua fish or use other unofficial ports) will have passed.
yeah, i’ve been using FP2 with SFOS for 4 months now and it works really great (soooo smooth)! But the lack of android support is really bad, and i’m starting to getting tired. I will have to switch back to Jolla1 or buy Intex =(
Not being able to provide an update isn’t exactly the same thing as saying it’s dead - although I can see how lack of updates sometime indicates a slow death by inaction.
I hope to see official support one day, but yes, with no time frame out there there’s the risk that it just never really happens.
I am also on SailfishOS on the FP2 since 3 month. Most things works, some problem here and there, ok, i’m advanced linux freak, i can help myself, but many customers would prefer official support with Alien Dalvik.
Because its a killer-feature of Sailfish OS.
Fairphone wait until the base become stable anough and all HW is well supported. But again:
Mal- need our support. Support from the community and in first line support from Fairphone.
Fairphone need to make this decision. And FP need to decide NOW! Not in a Year, not in Two. NOW!
Otherwise the time will gone, and some other company will make a good modular Smartphone with full Sailfish support.
FP have a really good community, for many is the factor of ethical fairness very important. For me its nice to have. I support Fairphone for his openness and modularity. I’m a technical freak, for me is an unlocked Bootloader and possibility to repair the phone myself and to install different OSes much more important than enthycal values, and if FP want to get THESE customers, it should react NOW!
Comeone Fairphone, release the DAMN OFFICIAL SAILFISH OS !
I’m pretty sure that it would help Fairphone too, regarding the sales. Just have a look what people in Europe are doing to get their hands on an Intex AquaFish. A phone without support when it breaks, not supporting all LTE frequencies, only available through dubious channels, especially in Germany (a big market for Fairphone, right?). Most of the work seems to be done, if I look at my FP2 running
They just have to take the f*****g decision and partner with Jolla. (Maybe they could hire mal- who seems to be most experienced…)
I have on my FP2 Only the nasty battery-drain-bug which came with Fairphone Open 16.08 Modem-FW is a show-stopper atm.
I also think the SailfishOS on the FP2 is running so good as on Jolla C or Intex Aqua Fish…
Its absolutely mature for release, it need only a little bit love from the Fairphone Devs…
I also use the on my FP2 and it works good enought for my bussines requirements ;-).
There are some minor bugs but i think that mal- (the main developer of this port) have done a very good job and he needs more support from fairphone to get a product release version.
On the other side jolla must clearify the licence thing with fairphone to get a long term support for the SailfishOS. But at the moment it seems that there is silence between the two companies.
May be they need more requests from the community ;-)?