Group action against Fairphone for dishonest support on Fairphone 3

Update on my Fairphone 3 case itself.
Few days ago, they finally offered a partial reimbursement or to swap my phone.
I refused to get reimbursed 220 euro as they offered (they based their price on my support ticket starting 5 months ago, rather than forum topic creation 16 months ago). I instead accepted their proposition to send them the phone to get it replaced. Frankly, for 400 euro, I would have asked to be reimbursed. I didn’t try any bargain, because I thought it wouldn’t be fruitful.

Regarding several recent comments from @existentionaut and @anon9989719 , I think then again the subject is drifting, and I seam to be wrong only because I dear complaining, aka breaking the taboo.
In few words, I am accused of going on “crusade”, taking “torch and a pitchfork”. I never offered nor intended to centralize request, or help a particular case, neither start up a new consumer organization. If one looks at the options I have listed on the first post (who did ?), they concern processes which are to be engaged by a single person. The “group” part of the action here is about information on what is possible, and refusing to accept that only those having time to loose to pressure Fairphone support by email be considered. Everyone with issues should, consumer law should be respected.
I’m also being advised to just return the phone (while I was denied it until few days ago), or being angry (blame the messenger if you can’t counter the message), or why didn’t I do anything for " ‘2 years’ " (note here that @anon9989719 pretended to quote me, while I did not write that). If you read the current topic, I have explained many times everything I have been doing in 16 months, and how and why my understanding of the situation changed. Which lead me to the current topic. Also @anon9989719 highlights that topic creation is worth nothing according to Fairphone policy, which is one of my main criticism. Repeating it won’t help. Trying to find argument on why this policy could be taken as fair or unfair would be more constructive. Finally, I wont to reassure everyone that indeed I have a roof over my head, and food in my fridge. But I don’t see how this, and any previous comment I mentioned, is related to my consumer right not being respected. Neither are my argument accusing Fairphone of having internal policy aiming to delay support (aka dishonest support), being considered, discussed, countered. Actually, it looks like there’s a consensus that 5 months is too long, and that most would be disappointed if they were in the same situation. Consider also the people which actually ARE in the same situation, which is another argument I brought, and that hasn’t been commented either. Maybe denied, trying to corner me as a single individual.

Getting back to the main subject. That is what to do when you think you suffer from the problem describe here : No sound 50+% of the time in calls, until reboot - #174 by Bas_tien
I would like to list what I think came out useful so far :
_ to get offered to swap your unit, you have to ask, many times, over and over, and it eventually works. Or at least it worked for me, and for that guy : No sound 50+% of the time in calls, until reboot - #131 by freierfunden
_ If you encounter a problem, ensure that you understand the consequences of writing on the forum vs opening a ticket. Because only the ticket opening date will be considered in case at some point in the future you prefer to be reimbursed. Assuming the offer they gave me, that is 220 euro based on the support ticket start done 11 months after purchase, and assuming a linear progression, that gives us : 230/11 = 19.2 euro per months. The more you wait, the more you may consider to get reimbursed for a phone not working as expected, but the less you have interest to, coz you would simply loose your money. I would then advise to always do forum and support topic in parallel.
_ the action listed in the first post are still valid I believe. I am not continuing that way for now, as the swapping is in progress. But I may get back to it at some point. I have searched on the net about ODR success story, but I didn’t find accessible material. If anyone does, or has alternative measures, please don’t hesitate to post. I understand that ODR aims to case like the present. That is a simple procedure, with the use of mediation “While the application of ODR is not limited to disputes arising out of business to consumer (B2C) online transactions, it seems to be particularly apt for these disputes” (Online dispute resolution - Wikipedia)