Google Play Store Missing

Hi, just started my new FP2 and wanted to install some apps, but cannot find the Google Play Store, has anyone some hints for me? Thanks

Did you log in with a Google Account?

On your home screen perform an edge swipe or long tap on the background. Then tap the all apps icon. There should be the Play Store.

There is no Google Play Store Icon in the All Apps menu. When I started the phone there was no chance to enter a google account.

Do you see the Fairphone Updater there? If yes, then open it and search for the option to install Google Apps.

That’s really strange.
Could you do some Screen Shots of the home screen and the All Apps menu, by tapping power and volume down at the same time.

No Fairphone Updater.
Try to insert Screenshots.

Sorry, do not manage to insert Screenshots.
Took the Screenshot but there is neither a copy button in the Gallery APP not do I know how to insert by drag.n.drop

Do you have an USB Cable to connect the Phone to your Computer?

Of Course, this was to simple to think of ;-(

Have to move to my PC…

OK, FP2 connected to Win7-PC via USB. Can’t see any any drive… in Win explorer.

You can click “Upload” in the mobile version of the Fairphone Forum.

On the FP2 I used the forum via Browser App, is “mobile version of the Fairphone Forum” an app? Then I start again on top (can’t install apps right now)

No. Simply go to your browser, then, then reply to a topic. In the editor window, in the lower right corner, it says “Upload”. Click it and you will be able to select the screenshot and upload it.

You’ll have to slide from the top of the FP2 screen down to see the notifications. When you connected to the PC there will be a notification “Connected as…”. Tap it and choose MTP. Then your computer will see the Fairphone.

Yes already at that point, can see the screenshots as PNG files in Win explorer.
This Editor Window doesnt’s accept these files via drag’n’drop and copy/paste also doesnt’t wotk?!

I finally did it!!!

You can see, there are only some few apps :frowning:

Wow you really don’t have Google Apps.
Where do you live? I’ll pay you 50€ to trade Fairphones! :wink:

I’m living in a very exotic place named “Germany”

So in the end I’m missing Fairphone Updater/Google Play Store/Google account login?

I suppose I will need all of them.

Well that’s not that far. :slight_smile: I’m in Vienna, Austria.

Ok, but joking aside: Without the Updater App and without Fairphone OS available as download on the Website yet to re-install it manually I have no idea how to fix your problem. You should contact Support.

OK so mache ich das dann.

Danke fĂĽr die Hilfe.

Grüß’ Gott aus Aachen nach Wien.

Kennst du schon die Aachen Fairphoners?

Ich glaube im Jänner steht wieder ein Treffen an, falls du Interesse hast.

Schöne Grüße aus Wien und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


Hi Tom.

I think, we German speakers use the forum to practice our English, eh? :wink:

However, I think flashing the system apps again should bring you the Google Playstore. Did you check the thread “Create a pre-rooted system”? I don’t know exactly what file you would need. But kuleszdl would probably know.

I have compiled the entire system and the needed file should be among the ones listed there. I could put it up on my webpage and email a link to you as soon as you know what you need.

If you don’t have any Linux installed, I would recomment to download Linux Mint. The DVD (or stick) you create is a fully operational Linux. With this you should be able to flash the correct image file as kuleszdl described it.

Do you wanna give it a try?

PS: I would guess it is the file system.img you would need to flash.
PPS: Or you try something like this:

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