Giveway - Airglass Screen Protector for FP2 (France)

What product(s) are you giving away?

Airglass Screen Protector for FP2 (France)

From where would you be shipping (country or city)?

France, Lyon

Photo(s) of the product(s) (if it is a phone, please include a photo of the phone switched on displaying the current date):

Other, remarks:

Sent by letter

NB: If you are interested and want to send a direct message, you will have to be a basic user on the forum. Reference about how to become one and other trust levels can be found here.
Be aware, that shipping batteries cross-border is virtually impossible for individuals.

Welcome to the community !

I’m interested! May I send you the shipping address? Are there shipping costs?

Intéressé ! Puis-je vous envoyer l’adresse d’expédition ? Y a-t-il des frais d’envois ?

Hello Antoine, if I just send as a letter towards France there will be no shipping costs, you can send me your address as PM B-)

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