🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 Interesting links / news articles somehow related to FP (collection)

Tomas sent us this interesting article (in german):

It’s possible to change habits … :wink:

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:de: Here an an article and video about the Tin industries in Indonesia.

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Series of articles covering resources and corporations on German online newspaper sueddeutsche:
Schmutzige Geschäfte

Translation of the introduction note:
How big mining corporations destroy the environment.
Progress and growth devour more and more resources. Mining-corporations are earning billions. Who is paying the price?

Unfortunately while sueddeutsche has reported on Fairphone before I haven’t found it mentioned in the texts of that series.

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Down with the upgrade

Modular phones, with easily replaceable parts, are cheap and environmentally friendly. But Mark Harris wonders whether we’ll ever value longevity above the latest model

Read it here: Down with the upgrade


Touching 47 minute program on Bas van Abel’s personal journey from designer to entrepreneur, the growing difficult challenges and the heavy toll it takes. Quite touching, especially towards the final quarter of the video.

P.S.: Opps, just noticing Douwe already mentioned it in the Community Event Materials thread. :angel:


CNN showcases the modular Fairphone 2 at the MWC 2017 in Barcelona today.


Aired today. Not a live program, apparently recorded completely before the MWC.
Clip requires flash (would only play audio on my Mac, video+audio on Windows).

Thanks to @Thomsterdam who spotted the program! :thumbsup:

Or video+audio on a Windows without Flash Player installed. :wink: Flash is so 2015!

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Two articles in “De Standaard” (Balgian newspaper) this weekend. One is an interview with Bas, the other analyses the problems of the electronics industry, and states durable electronics (like the FP) are the future:


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Fairphone shared this link below on FB yesterday.

While most of it won’t be news to the regulars here, I found this quote from Bas van Abel deep in the middle of the text that made me listen up:

“I would say we’re past the startup phase and we’re really scaling the company. We’ve got 70 people already, we’ve got a turnover of around €20M to €30M, we’re going towards break even and profitable this year. So it’s a real company.”

[emphasis added by me]

I have so far felt completely in the dark about the actual financial viability of this whole enterprise, so it was nice to read a small bit of a positive outlook here.


Hello, for those who understand german, i have written an article for a befriended blogger, who runs a highly recommend ITSec and Privacy-Blog. Its basically my experiences with trying to live google-free, that i have already written about here in the forum:

The article mentions the community here as very friendly and helpful, so this is also my thanx to all of you here, reading here helped me a lot. Ah, almost forgot the link:


:de: Die FAZ über den Stand der Recycling-Bemühungen in der Branche und bei Fairphone (Artikel nur für Bezahler*innen) auf Seite 22 der heutigen Ausgabe.


A very honourable endeavour for a company to begin the process of ridding the reliance from China’s domination (up to 95%) of the rare earths market. With such awful human and environmental records it’s about time a company has taken stance! Fairphone should be looking at a company in Canada called Ucore. It is using a green chemistry call MRT (molecular recognition technology) to extract the rare earths vs. The standard SX extraction. They are also in the process of starting up a recycling program to extract the elements from discarded products also using MRT. Anyway just my thoughts on what could be a great partnership.

New documentary about the electronics industry. Looks promising!


They offer a paid screening. I’ve contacted them once and the price was even relatively high (~200$ iirc).

I have watched a Youtube video: Why Have Modular Smartphones Failed? The Fairphone 2 jumps in at 4:58.


Would you transcript some of the points of this video ?

:de: Schon vor einiger Zeit auf www.heise.de gefunden:

Apple: Nur autorisierte Anbieter stellen eine ordentliche Reparatur sicher

Das “Recht auf Reparatur” wäre für Fairphone kein Problem, im Gegenteil …

A French Android website is making fun of Fairphone for getting an update to Android 6:

Not a very flattering article, but some comments are better.

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There has been some sort of collaboration between Fairphone and Posteo (secure, ad-free, independent German eMail provider) in the past as can be read in this post: Hands-On with the Fairphone 2 at Posteo Lab, Berlin

Just noticed that Posteo will have an event on April 22nd kind of in the spirit of Fairphone: