FP5 Coming with IodeOS

Good News…

But .

My Fairphone 5 run with /e/OS.

Maybe because the first beta is just out for a few days and it does not work with beta builds

<@telegram_995905840:t2bot.io> Is it / will it be possible to use the installer with unofficial builds, or is it limited to only official builds, hosted centrally?

Good point. Actually it only flashes the latest official release, but it could be configured to also flash beta builds. Maybe later ?

I got feedback from the developer in our matrix community channel regarding the FP5.
It is added now to the installer and should work.
I don’t have one to test it.

AlphaElwedritsch: just to let you know that the updater config file is fixed for FP5 (no need to update the installer, that config file is downloaded). I don’t have an account in fairphone forum but saw the issue.
After this morning issue reported by @chris, I had to regenerate that config file, but for various reasons FP5 had to be manually added: so, another bug. All the things that I don’t automate eventually end up in bugs :wink:


Just to mention it, first stable is released


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