That is too much. It should be at 0% or very close to it. So 9% means that at least for part of the time since the last charge, RMNET-DFC was spinning like mad.
IRRC, that also happens when the screen is off, transforming your FP into a nice handwarmer.
For me RMNET-DFC behaves nicely if I am not on 4G or VoLTE is disabled or (I think) WiFi is connected. That would explain why it’s “only” 9%.
Also, the RMNET-DFC bug doesn’t trigger directly after connecting to 4G, but when it does it will burn the battery until the phone is dead or one of the other conditions (not 4G, VoLTE oder WiFi) are triggered.
Maybe leave BBS running for a little longer if you want more infos.
It could also be worth checking the “Partial Wakelocks” tab, because there’s also a system service (though I can’t remember which one it was) that will also sometimes spin like mad in the same conditions.
If it’s ok for you, would you want to make a bug report, since Fairphone doesn’t want my feedback? (I guess you are on A13 and up to date?)
For me the battery usage is also present, when the phone is in flight mode over night. I will try to disable VoLTE, now and see what happens.
I use BBS for years, now. And I did not see any partial wake lock that could be related to this. The behavior only started with the upgrade to A13 and as IO wrote I already filed a support request that led to FP offer me to send the phone in for repair or get a replacement battery. I chose the second option, even if I am not so convinced that this really solves the problem. But in the end @KurtF is right with
I already shared detailed analysis results with them in the ticket. And their conclusion was to offer a new battery. I will use that, test it, once I replaced the old one, and report back in the ticket if it works or not.
Done (it’s the weekend at last!).
Still need to collect some stats though.
I’m very curious what it will show for my phone, given my battery drain (apparently) doesn’t result from connection issues but rather Quickstep ones.
Aw shucks, BBS complains my phone isn’t rooted, and thus I would need to grant it some permissions using ADB, which is a bridge too far for me.
Yes, unfortunately BBS needs those permission in order to be able to collect the stats.
Can’t you enable the dev options temporarily and set the permissions appropriately? This needs to be done only once and it worked fine when I did that on my Samsung business phone.
It’s IMO not very difficult. Maybe we could push you through it. You have to install adb on some computer, connect the phone to it. Then enable adb on the phone (in developer options) and just type in the exact commands the app tells you.
Same issue for at least two months. Phone behaviour suddenly (one day to the next) changed and drains 50% of battery over night and feels rather warm even though it should have been inactive for many hours. It is impossible to get through the day even if I don’t use it at all. Airplane mode appears to fix that, so I guess the cause is related to the mobile network. I had the exact same problem with FP2. I did install some app that would modify background activity which helped a lot. Not sure which and if that is even possible without root. I’ll start digging I guess.
Thanks guys, but it’s too involved for the kind of time I can spend on that lind of stuff right now (finding/downloading ADB (What do I need? Android Studio? SDK Manager? SDK Platform Tools (full fat or CMD?)?), installing it, chasing the missing dependencies, finding the commands I need and - obviously - understanding why it doesn’t work like it should!.. )
Maybe at a later time point, when I have more free time.
Ok, you’ve probably already tried that, but I’ll ask nevertheless: Did you reboot your phone since this started?
Welcome, BTW…
I had something similar happen on my previous Samsung phone, all of a sudden it was chewing through its battery and was indeed warm. Rebooting fixed that instantly, clearly some background service had gone bad and was running non-stop.
Me again.
AccuBattery and the built-in Battery stats didn’t help. Lately I had to charge the phone three times a day and it got really hot. Over night I usually put the phone in flight mode and the drain stopped. After trying everything with WiFi and MobileData I disabeld Bluetooth and this did the trick: According to AccuBattery my drain is down from 15-18%/h to 1-2%/h.
So in my case, Bluetooth seems to be responsible. Now I start missing notifications on my Withings watch…
That looks interesting. It seems that the project isn’t well maintained though. I’ll need to do a bit of googling before I put that on my phone, but very happy to try out anything that involves the command line. Open for ideas
Thanks for the welcome I did try the magic reboot trick a couple of times. To no avail. I just put the SaverTuner app from F-Droid onto the phone (needs special permissions via adb). That does not seem to fix it
This looks interesting Batterystats. Seems like there is a program running on android where we can extract battery logs. Maybe the better battery stats app is just a wrapper around that? I’ll see if I got the time and go through those instructions in the evening and then check the logs tomorrow.
UPDATE first night
Here is a screenshot of the result of battery historian which shows this nights consumption going from around 94% to 38% (bluetooth off, wifi and 5G on) from around 9pm to 7am (the uptick of the battery level at the end is from connecting the FP to my computer). I would like to share more, but as a new user I cannot share more screenshots or write additional replies ¯_(ツ)_/¯ RMNET_DFC is in fact highest on the list of “kernel wakesources”. Other than that the device’s power estimates list “UNACCOUNTED” as the primary consumer with 50% followed by cell with 2.49% of battery . Not very helpful, but this is in line with the system battery statistics which show the usage, but do not report any app/process that consumes it (highest on the list celluar with 2% (probably rounded) which is in line with battery historian)
Not very helpful I guess. Next night, I’ll enable flight mode and see what that looks like in battery historian. There is a more detailed log (batterystats.txt) that I extracted from the device. I’ll compare the two logs and see what sticks out. Other than that I might need to figure out how to extract system stats on CPU/network usage and which processes are responsible for that. Never done this for Android, so let’s see where this goes
thanks for your effort, @neumeyerc !
need another reply so you can post more screenshots? here you go
mine lost >30% battery again, last night. still no clue at all why, so I’m almost willing to be a guinea pig for the factory reset workaround mentioned by FP support - although it might not help in the end.