FP4 battery life got worse after Android 13 update

The connection quality is ok, and the battery drain also happens when the phone is in flight mode :frowning: stating “Cellular Connectivity” as root cause.

Now that sounds like a bug indeed, but then again there is a thread of somebody here (french) who wondered why he can still reach internet with both cellular data and WiFi disabled…
(need head scratching icon…)

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I tried disabling mobile data completely. That leads to an average battery consumption of 2-3% per hour. Wifi still running. With mobile data enabled it is more than 10%. And it feels like even more.

What’s your general connectivity status? Good or bad?
(Does the phone stay on 5G, with several bars, or does it have to fall back to 4G from time to time?)

For me the biggest (abnormal) battery drain is Quickstep, 18% today. :astonished:

For me it is still “Cellular Connectivity” with 5G disabled. Today I got some feedback / question regarding my battery usage ticket from FP support.
The only thing so far that they proposed and I did not try, is switching of WIFI and BT scanning in location services (I am just testing that) and factory reset, which is for me the very last resort only.

This is my battery consumption for the past week:

The screen on consumption is ok, but the “Cellular Connectivity” is by far too high, especially as I usually have the phone in flight mode automatically during the night.

Good morning,
I did turn off wifi scanning (BT scanning was already off) in location services yesterday - no joy.
charged my phone to 100% 6hrs ago, now it tells me remaining battery is expected to suffice for another 18hours. so basically my battery now lasts one day instead of 2-3 :-/

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Same here, that battery consumption is still caused by “Cellular Connectivity” even after switching of BT and Wifi scanning. I reported this result back to support.

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I’m still wondering why for mine it’s never ever “Cellular connectivity” but Quickstep (10% average over a week). Also, Display isn’t even in the top 5 for me.
Last but not least, my System2 doesn’t look like yours:

(Jeez, we have a ton of “inclusive” and “politically correct” smileys, but we don’t have a head scratching one…)

— Edit:
For the record, “Franceinfo” is a news app, Solitaire Pro is my time waster, and I spent recently a lot of time on Google Play looking for a replacement for “Simple Mobile Tools”.
My point is, it’s normal they come on top.

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OT: Is your phone rooted? Do you have the plus version of SystemPanel r2? My version is 2.0.b14
Unfortunately it is no longer maintained.

The battery usage for Display in my case was really ok, as I played some sudoku :wink:
But still the usage was much less with A12 and I guess it is caused by a mixture of A13 and my provider. But it should definitely by better.

No, not rooted. My SytemPanel2 is v.2.0.b14, same as your’s, probably the last version ever released, which is why I’m wondering how comes yours looks different. :open_mouth:

Yes, it’s a pity it isn’t maintained anymore. It has even been kicked out of the Google Play store (I guess due to their new “only updated apps” policy).

Nah, in this case I should have the same due to Solitaire Pro… :laughing:
How much display is too much display? You get a glimpse of my display usage on my screenshot (bottom row, blue-ish peaks).

Same here. I had 60 percent, when I went to bed. 9 hours later I’m at 4 percent when the alarm goes off.

Never been closer to selling this phone at this point. I can live with the terrible software support but I can’t live with the battery chewing itself up for no apparent reason over night at random.


My phone is rooted and SystemPnael 2 has root permissions, so maybe that causes the different look. And yes, it is really sad, that the app is not updated anymore…

I am not sure if this is really related to the Fairphone implementation only or if this is caused by some correlation between network provider and Android 13 and FP’s implementation

Agree, it has to be anything but a simple problem, proof is that while the problem is the same, the cause seems to be different for me.

All we know is that something went stale after the A13 upgrade. Somewhere in the phone’s innards something is not pausing as it normally should (and did before A13). I guess one could manage to find out what it is by checking logs or/and running some kind of “top”-like command on several phones, but that’s out of my league…

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Another random discussion about FP

Yesterday I git feedback on my ticket from support. They offered me two options following the description I sent them:

  1. Have the phone sent in and repaired in with a partner in France
  2. Send a replacement battery to fix it on my own

I chose the second option, as I am not willing to be without phone for at least 2 weeks.

Anyway, both options seem to be a bit strange to me and I doubt this will solve the problem. What is your opinion?

My phone was charged Monday morning to 93% and was after that lying around with wifi connected on a table. When a checked yesterday eveving the battery graph showed Mobile connection 11% beside that nothing else …and I think it had around 45% left

Thats this morning

So I doubt as well this has anything to do with the battery.

I’m not rooted, have a Vodafone Physical and a O2 eSIM inserted…for the O2 SIM mobile data are off.

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I agree, it sounds more like a “please leave us alone” type of solution, but at least you’ve got a new battery out of it! :grin:

I’ll eventually check with them too so they feel compelled to look seriously into it, but not before February as they seem already hopelessly swamped right now, and that won’t get any better after Xmas… (A ticket I’ve opened December 2nd is still pending)

Could you (or anyone else) try the following?

  • Download BBS (Better Battery Stats free open source version) from F-Droid appstore
  • Set it up and let it run until you hit the battery drain
  • Open up the tab “Kernel Wakelogs” and check whether “RMNET-DFC” is high on the list.
  • If it’s not that one, check which ones are high on the list

The reason for this is that I have the same issue on A12 (I’m waiting with updating until the freezes/crashes are fixed) and it’s caused by VoLTE.

My workaround is to disable VoLTE, which fixes the battery drain but now calls don’t get through if I don’t have 3G reception or the handover from 4G to 3G doesn’t work. Another option is to only use 3G.

I reported this to Fairphone, but they say, unless I upgrade to the newest version, they don’t want input from me.


For me “RMNET-DFC” has about 9%