Similar to @TheLastProject I don’t think the cost is much to someone who thinks /e/ is better but doesn’t want to go through the hassle of loading a new OS.
Have you read up on relevant topics here
I would instantly agree much of /e/'s communication is a marketing smoke screen instead of educating and empowering users. While I think this is a valid point against /e/, that aspect of their work does not take away anything from their OS technically.
The “/e/elo tax” for the pre-installed Fairphone 3 is currently 30 EUR (450 EUR from Fairphone, about 480 EUR pre-installed from /e/).
And you don’t have to pay it for any device if you get the device of your choice yourself and install /e/ on …
I’ve just put together a nice little debloater for the Fairphone 3. The script can be ran on Linux, Windows, MacOS and basically any other UNIX-like OS.
Fist of all I want to apologise for the messy instructions and for my bad english. I hope that you understand everything. If you need help or have questions please ask them here.
What does the script do?
Limits Google apps (even replaces stuff like the dialer or the clock)
Removes Qualcomm spying/“TeLeMeTrY”
Replaces the YouTube …