FP3+: Issues with Android 13 update

Well, so far very happy with the update. My phone is a lot faster now. I was considering replacing it as had become so sluggish!

Had anyone else noticed the Sound Recorder app not working? When I try and record anything, I now get a ‘Can’ t Access USB Storage’ error.


I never use the sound recorder, but I’ve just tried it and ran into the same problem. So yes, I can confirm.


Hello, I can confirm, too - see screenshot Screenshot_20230809-135439|250x500
Google Notes sound recording works and my installed Evernote replacement Joplin records sound,too - but as text.

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Take a look at the “SuperFreezZ” app. I used it before the update (Android 11) and still use it on Android 13: I think it might be what you are looking for.

You can download it from F-Droid:

I hope it helps you :slightly_smiling_face:

I have updated my FP3 this week and I can agree with most people here that

  • interface is slower and sometimes hangs
  • battery usage increased coinsiderably (before it would last 3 days, now 2 with same usage pattern)
  • random graphical quirks arise when switching modes (phone locked vs phone active)
  • google keyboard overlay sometimes prevents to see the content one is editing
  • the camera app became terribly slow

Other things that are app specifics are that:

  • Firefox is now annoyingly slow and hangs at start sometimes.
  • Sound Recorder app from FDroid stopped recording properly at high quality rate - recording skips frames, doesn’t happen with other similar apps so I guess it’s an API problem. I notified the author.

Once I saw a foreground app’s content on the lock screen - which is in my opinion a security issue. (FP3+: Issues with Android 13 update - #51 by shaakunthala)
This happened to me a few times so far, however, when Animations were turned off in accessibility settings.


it is very irritating, after the Update to Android 13, the Busy and the Free tone on outgoing calls are missing. I am very happy with that phone, but I would like to find a solution on this problem.

It is a german telekom SIM card. I see the problem with all carriers. Not sure, how to nail the problem.

Kind Regards

Hi and welcome moved your post please try this and report to FP as well as provider support

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Ok, so this not a bug kinda issue but does anyone know how to disable Google search from when you use the search bar to filter your apps? Android 13 update brought Google search to it. Now I try filter a weather app for example, it first gives me a Google search of the word weather and at the bottom there are my apps. Annoying. Is there a way to disable it?

Hi yvmuell,

Thank you for pointing me to the right trick.
Disabling VoLTE was the solution.

Have a nice weekend.


Try to deactivate the Google App via settings.

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I tried that first, but that disables the whole search so I couldn’t filter apps anymore.

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OK. I’ve had the going dark thing quite a lot for the last ten days or so. I’ll try switching off the auto-rotate and see what happens.

Oh thats odd and hope a bug that the app search is using Google now… I would def bother support with that

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Hello. Can’t say I’ve exhaustively read all this long thread. I have several of the same problems as others and am trying some solutions.
One odd problem I hadn’t seen mentioned is that my phone has recently started to automatically play a particularly podcast from the RadioFrance app everytime I re-boot it. This is now several times a day because the phone has taken to regularly going dark. :frowning: This is the case even if the app in question wasn’t open when I rebooted the phone. It doesn’t seem to matter if the app is “officially” in use (that is, if I can see it open when I press on the square button at the bottom of the screen) or not.
Any ideas what’s going on?

P.S. For information, I’m on an FP3.

The WiFi hotspot has become a bit tricky to use since the update.
I’ve been using it to connect my Windows 10 desktop to the internet for a while now. After the update it can be quite hard to do this. I often have to enable “Extend compatibility” before it will connect, even though my desktop has a duel-band WiFi card. Also, if I enable the “Turn off … automatically” ,then it sometimes just turns off whilst I’m still connected and using data, but if I don’t enabled this then sometimes it will not connect. What I have to do to get a connection seems to vary from day to day.
Anyone else having similar issues?

Hi, since android 13 update my FP3 froze several time (3 or 4) very badly. Neither the touch screen nor the buttons could work anymore. Even the on/off button didn’t function. The only way to get it working back is to open it and remove the battery.
The context of the hang is different each time. I can’t find a recurrent parameter.

Is this issue known? Is there a way to avoid these hangs ? Thanks in advance for answers and sorry for my bad English.

Étienne Durup

Near the same problem. On my Phone the default for call and mobile data was not defined for both SIM - Cards. So there was no connection to the provider with data-service.

Now I do have defined the priority for the both SIM - Cards and after a restart it will work for me.

Are you sure that the automatic screen rotation is disabled? Because that (the screen rotates automatically when the phone is tilted) is known to cause the phone to freeze completely in A13.