FP1 Spare parts availability (batteries, displays, motherboards, etc. [out of stock!?])

Well…here we go again, the screens are sold out and batteries still are nowhere to be seen.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Dear Fairphone, what would it take to be able to keep using my FP1 ??
Payment in advance for batteries and screens ? Sign me up !

By now it`s clear the Fairphone company severely underestimated their customers desire to repair the damn things themselves.
You know, to acually fullfill one of the premises of the Fairphone concept…

Again, dear Fairphone company : PLEASE take note and don`t let this happen again… your customers actually WANT a repairable phone AND are willing to accept this may not be the cheapest option.
How much more proof then selling out 900 screens in 5 days do you need ?

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