October 15, 2016, 6:10pm
Hello everyone,
maybe someone of you faced the same as I have but unfortunatly I couldnt find anything in the forum. So I had troubles with my battery two month ago so I bought a new one and everything was fine again. Now since today I have the problem that the “new” battery is not charging. The red light is on, so the connection to the cable is fine. But is charging now for hours and the status is staying between 17-19% constantly. So would do you guess it might be? Battery again or a software problem?
Thank you so much for your help!!
Have a look at the little guide to fairphones batteries at Battery Reset FP1 in particular.
did you try a different charger?
Sometimes their output, especially the cheaper ones, is not constant and causes charging problems.
it could also be that your micro usb connector is getting loose. @Stefan has experiences to get a new one.
As @Lidwien said: the battery guide has good information about FP batteries:
This is a wiki post, please consider improving it by clicking the green pencil symbol on the top right.
Continuing the “A little Guide to…” series after the GPS Guide
According to @ben 's Poll’s result and the number of posts on the forum another thing a lot of Fairphone users struggle with is the battery.
So again I’m gathering all the tips and solutions for battery related problems that can be found on the forum.
If you need a new battery you’ll get one for the FP2 in the shop , for the FP1…
Good luck
P.S. I found out that I can save a lot of battery if I turn off GPS on my FP1!
October 16, 2016, 10:21am
If the red light is on it means that electricity is flowing. Thus the USB connector should be OK.
Besides trying a different charger (or your computer’s USB port), I’d also try different cables.
PS: If these advices don’t help, you should have a look at this topic:
Continuing the discussion .
Hi everybody,
as adviced in other parts of the forum, I’ve installed “BetterBatteryStats” to monitor the battery usage. Edit2: BetterBatteryStats is still available from the F-Droid Archive repository, while upstream has become unfree .
Like @YtvwlD I had experienced a shorter lifetime of my (second, half a year old) battery.
This is the result of only two hours:
My CPU also was on the maximum of 1.21 GHz almost all the time.
Can somebody explain the s…
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April 16, 2017, 10:21pm
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