FP1 broken, what to do now

Dear all,

I bought a FP1 3 years ago but it broke 6 months ago: the battery start to last less than an hour and, the most worrying thing, the charger connector stopped working, so I could not charge the battery in any way.
I looked for a solution but replacing the charger connector was too expensive.

Now I have a dead FP1 and I’d like what I can do with it. I live in Spain (BCN) what is the best way to recycle it?


If the screen is still working, there will be many Fairphoners who would love to get it from you. :slight_smile:

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It is. IIRC flash was not working.

BTW Many = you? :wink: Cause I can send it to you if you want it.


I’m not sure which option you looked at, so just in case: some people have had success getting the connector resoldered, which would be a lot cheaper than replacing the motherboard. If you don’t want to go down that route, I’d suggest selling the phone for spares (but clearly state what’s wrong with it). The Market category on the forum may be of use, as there are some people looking to buy a screen there, or you can list as offered in the ‘offered’ subcategory.


Thank you very much for the offer, but my own FP1U including the display still works flawlessly. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I thought about resolder the connector, but I had to look for someone who could do that (I did not know about the prize + I had to buy a new battery. At the end I’m sure it will be more than 60€ for the repair).

Honestly, now I’m not sure if I want to spend that money in FP1.

Thanks for your answer. I will look into the #market category.


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The list of repairshops can give you an indication of what a USB-connector repair would cost (prices vary much, depending on the location and/or proficiency of the repair shop). [Man, we do need certified repair centers…]

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Thanks Stefan,

Unfortunately I’m in Barcelona and the nearest repair shop is in Madrid. I’ll ask how much it would cost (~50€).
Also, I’ll see if there’s any repair shop in BCN that could do the job.

Thanks a lot,

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If you find one pleeeeaase add it to that list! :smiley: There are many Fairphoners in BCN that might need this information sooner or later! :slight_smile:

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I’ve contacted the repair shop in Madrid (from ✏ List of local repair shops that are familiar with Fairphones (by City)) and they told me that changing the usb connector costs 25€+14€ (shipping costs). so, 39€ in total if you are not in Madrid. (the info in the wiki is not updated):

I’ll look for something in BCN.


A post was split to a new topic: FP1 screen in Algarve, Portugal

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