FP Security Updates need to be more frequent

Fairphone made their bed, so they either have to sleep in it or get another bed.

Personally, I’d like to see them switch to another company.

They may be internal. At least, I’ve done some OSINT (open source intelligence) :nerd_face:

The CTO vacancy has this team under him.

Since we know the dev team is from Taiwan, I thought, hmmm, maybe those guys are that dev team? Not that international teams in Amsterdam are uncommon, but just testing that hypothesis. I did some quick searches and Oscar popped up: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-chang-497a4564/

He’s based in Taiwan, but not working on Android development. So not sure if this is the team FP talks about. I guess these people are all the team leads or something. So maybe one of the other guys runs the dev team in Taiwan, didn’t find them via LinkedIn, but I didn’t go full OSINT on them, just their name and added the word fairphone to the queries.

That’s more like it, Eva is the CEO, Noud is CFO, Miquel the head of product management for example.

Edit: I’m still undecided if I find the direction this topic is taking funny, silly or just a huge waste of time :laughing:

Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer to have Faiphone deliver monthly updates at the beginning of each month as well (and from beta testing it is clear they do have access to the patches in advance), but some of the things going on in this topic are just wild speculations and I seriously ask myself what those are going to change/improve.
And yes, some of this things written to “defend” Fairphone I find rather funny/silly/waste of time, too :stuck_out_tongue:
Sometimes it’s good to vent and I don’t think it always needs a response.


What do you mean with that sentence? What company are you talking about?

As you said, venting is healthy, and making wild speculations is humanity’s favorite hobby anyway… :grin:

And speaking of speculations: Concerning the team mugshots, as far as I have (mis)understood, development is currently outsourced, so those are not likely to be the devs themselves, more likely all the Fairphone employees handling technical stuff (that ranges from hardware design, spare parts stock management, to website management).

Wild guess of course, but I think @AvidAlbatross meant the company Fairphone has subcontracted the software development to. (I would agree BTW, as they clearly aren’t up to the task.)


Personally I’m writing here in the hopes that someone at Fairphone will read our posts and decide to improve the updating process.

Whether or not that will happen, well that is anyone’s guess.

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And that’s where I’d say this is just a huge waste of everyone’s time.
Fact is, Faiphone employees don’t follow what’s going on here on the forum on a level that many people wish for. And when asked directly, Fairphone employees state that people should contact them via support.
And basically every month or two we get a heated debate in some random topic that goes over the same old arguments again and again.


I want to believe. I have to believe.


Rae is currently showing as “formerFP.Com.Manager” for me. I would assume we’re not gonna get another update on the situation from her?

A few other Fairphone employees have similar names. Is Fairphone downsizing or something?

I think Fairphone is a healthy company, where as in all companies employees are coming and going.


If you look at the last seen dates, most of those people have probably left some time ago, no idea why the accounts still belong to the employee group :man_shrugging:

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Yeah I find it strange that they would essentially delete the entire account, instead of just removing it from the employee group.

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Accounts get anonymized, that’s the standard procedure if people want to get deleted.

Some people might not want to be tied to their former employers community, I just find it strange that they don’t get removed from the group …


Yeah, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen an employee’s account name get changed to ‘spam’ for no apparent reason. Typically, the accounts get a new password and access is revoked.

Anonymizing the accounts will make past messages by the user look weird. formerFP.Com.Manager doesn’t really scream official Fairphone business to me.

But I guess we’ll see when/if Android 12 releases.

anon is the default name that Discourse gives an account afaict. and why would they remove it from the employee group? it still likely reflects a company statement. You’d really rather they delete their past company statements? or make company statements look like any other user post?

it goes the other way, if they simply renamed/passed it onto another employee then some may mistake their new writings for those of the past author or vice versa.


I just found the change baffling, that’s all. I expected an update from Rae about the security update situation Soon ™ as we are approaching 3 months again and I suppose I expected FP to keep the account name as rae and just delete the photo of her. It’s not like most companies change/remove the names of whoever wrote blog posts just because the said person quit.

Well, I’m new(-ish) here and don’t really know who “Rae” actually was (“we hardly knew you”, as they say…), but in case she was some kind of official company spokesperson, she should had used an official, non-individual company account for posting such stuff.
Which doesn’t preclude also having and using a personal account, for personal posts. It’s the not very subtle difference between “I say”, and “Fairphone says”.
Just saying.

Just FYI (news about security updates on the end of the post):

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We are now 2 months behind again. Does anyone have any info on when we could get another security patch?

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