So, I shut off my phone this afternoon, and when I rebooted, I completely blanked on the unlock pattern. I remember the SIM card unlock, and the fingerprint/security code pin, but I can’t remember the pattern. I have an SD card in it, and I would probably be fine with a factory reset if I can get some data off of it, but nothing seems to detect/be able to mount it (I daily drive an Ubuntu install but I have a Windows install as well). I’ve tried all of the variations of what I thought it could be, but I’m now at 50 and it takes 2 minutes to try a new one… I have written down the variations of what I tried, too. All the guides I could find were for the Fairphone 2, and a few places mentioned you could via your Google account, but that seems to be Android 4.4 and lower only, and I’m on the latest variation of 11…
ADB doesn’t list the phone, so I’m guessing USB debugging is off.
If you had the SD card formatted as portable, which is the only way to go then if the phone is off you can just remove it, copy data and replace it.
If you formatted the SD card as an extension to the internal memory then you need to get the phone up and running as all the data on it is encryoted along with the core main memory.
Take a break and have a go at the pattern without thinking, let the mind just use the hand as there is an inbuilt pattern in the brain.
If you have to think try and remember how/why you started the pattern, can you remember the first number etc.
Oh, I did actually have those audio player issues. Lesson learned, thank you! Luckily this was a relatively new phone, and any actually important files were transferred over from my old phone with a backup on my desktop (excluding a few bits of code sadly :/). I did think of a potential variation on the pattern I thought was right, so I’ll have to try that tomorrow morning. Thanks for the help, feeling a little less depressed and frustrated now