Fairphone5 battery dies before transfer from iphone can complete

Hello, Each time I try to transfer my IPhone to my FP5 the battery on the fp5 dies. How do I get around this?

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Can’t you connect the Fairphone to a power source while sending the data?

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Not when you use a cable to transfer, not sure that this is even possible with an Iphone? However how many hours does this transfer last that it drains 100% battery?

No it has to be connected to the iPhone by a special data transfer cable and it doesn’t allow wireless charging. I charged the FP5 full before trying to copy the date

It’s the fP5 that the battery drains fully each time I’ve tried the data transfer - the iPhone is fine only looses about 20%

Yes I understood its the FP. so how long does it take to drain it? Did you try without cable to be able to charge while it transfers? This should be possible.

If you connect one phone to the other, usually one of the phones starts charging the other… Probably the iPhone gets charged and drains the Fairphone. iPhones USB-port are VERY slow (maybe it can candle 40MB/s), that might explain the excessive amount of time it takes to finish the transfer.

What about the data that was already transfered? Can’t you split the process in parts and charge the phone in between them? If there is a wireless alternative to what you do, you probably will be done faster AND you can charge the phones while transfering.


You could also try having the iphone charge the fairphone.
In the fairphone USB notification see if you can set the “USB controlled by” as “This device” (or “Connected device” if that doesn’t work) and see if that changes the charging flow.

If that works, then you can wireless charge the iphone and it will charge the fairphone.

I’m not sure what cable you use, but one alternative might be a Y-cable that can connect to an external power supply. The Y cable adds a new connection to plug in another USB that provides power but leaves the data connection intact.