Fairphone3 - really big, how to carry in summer?

Doesn’t happen 
 and not because of a lack of nice days :slight_smile: .


Actually, that was my first thought as well.
But did you try that? Its not only the weight, it feels a bit like back in childhood days where your parents would drop you off in the train with a sign on your neck “My name is Tom and I want to go to Sydney”. Everybody is going to see who rings before you do

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My backpack envies yours

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I guess you want to research phone holsters.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Phone radiation and health

You are not the only one - but there are few of us who do not wish to dedicate their life to their phones and just want to use them as a tool. Which means the phone has to be convenient and fit in our life (and pants pockets :wink: and we’re not modifying our life to fit around our phone.
As you can see, everyone who says “not a problem” suggests solutions such as a “phone holster” or “adequate clothing” or a dedicated pouch.
Sadly, I have gotten mostly the same, not at all helpful responses in my thread why I will not buy a FP3.

It’s a pity, I liked the FP idea, but unless the FP4 comes out when I need a new phone, and is smaller again, I have to look for a different phone :frowning:


The great solution here is to create Capsule Corp and put ones phone in a capsule



Thats a good idea.

In the meantime - considering to send it back in earnest - I researched alternatives. Given my priorities for using the new phone as long as possible with the criteria:

  • new phone (i.e. not a used one)
  • current com standards (e.g. LTE)
  • separate battery
  • must support LineageOS or variants
  • smaller (fit in trouser pocket, e.g. <12cm x 6cm)

yielded zero results, Fairphone really is a good choice. It does not really support Lineage yet, but should soon after they manage to give out the source codes to the community (currently they violate the license). In the long term, I think its safe to assume that the fairphone will have the highest percentage of users caring about their data and highest percentage of users with long term use interests (with a bit of overlap between the two).

So it looks I will stick with FP, hoping to mature with better suited models in some far future. :wink:


Finally an answer that makes sense! :rofl:

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In Berlin, a lot of people wearing their smartphones as necklace, but for now, there is no necklace you can buy, you have to do it yourself :slight_smile:
FP3 smartphone necklace (đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș Handykette)

~120 mm x ~60 mm? You seem to want a dumbphone? Cause that does not exist with recent Android on it.


That’s without setting the battery to replaceable.

Perhaps something like Sony Xperia with SFOS would be suffice for you. They’re a bit tall though.

The screen to body ratio has increased recently (“small bezel”).

Successor of iPhone SE is expected at some point.

I don’t think it is possible to tick all the boxes as you put it right now. You’ll have to make some concessions instead. Or stick with FP1/FP2.


That was my point.

Why would a phone with the same technical data except screen size be a dumbphone?

I was like, perhaps Light Phone II, it is small.

It is basically a dumbphone with e-ink. Sigh.

I just don’t know anymore. I wager iPhone SE 2 is going to be popular. Not only because of the size, also the pricetag.

Also, I just read this review on Tweakers.net about smartphone/battery size trend in 2014 versus 2019. Recommended read.

Reason I like it, is it includes a lot of statistics. It is in Dutch, but deepl.com should allow you to translate it.

For me its either a backpack or - and that is quite often - no phone at all, I leave it at home and enjoy it not to be reachable by everybody. Reading the posts on this site I guess that the fairphone is generally not the kind of phone to carry in your trousers, - the modularity does make it more vulnerable concerning malfunctioning contacts through bending etc.

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I put Lineage 16 on my old Sony Z3c and was actually tempted to send the FP3 back, but then I found someone who was looking for a secondhand phone. I tested the build for about a week using all of my usual apps (social media, Google and OSM maps, YouTube, etc.) and it was rock solid stable. It was also encrypted, so no stability issues there either. Performance was also better with Lineage 16 than the stock OS.

Mine just sticks out of all my pockets. That’s been the case with me and phones for many years now, though, not just this one. I can’t remember the last phone I had that actually fully fit in a pant pocket (some jackets are still okay, and admittedly where I live you often have a jacket). And I go out of my way to try to find smaller phones! I gave up and just got resigned to the fact that it sticks out. Honestly, I actually have mine in my hand a lot of the time! I use one of these - https://shop.flygrip.com/ - and so it’s actually really comfortable and easy to stroll around with it in one hand. I even run with it that way.

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Surpingly I found that two jeans I own have back pockets large enough to fit the full FP3. :sunny:

At the same time after using is for a few days I am just a bit disappointed by the earned value of that larger screen. I have a Galaxy S4mini with LineageOS 16 (also android9) beside for comparison. Harday any app really put any more information on the large screen. This only leaves Maps/Videos as the main sources for screen size benefit.

So are I read in another thread in this forum, I think I definetly will sell my phone for an FP3/FP4-mini. So the next huge milestone will be when someone manages to get TWRP running and prove it rootable (possible with Magisk). Then I really do not need LineageOS that urgently any more.

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I may be totally mistaken, but I guess that it’s on the app, how they handle the larger screen. If the app has a fixed page, then this is just scaled; which probably benefits people which are visually challenged.

You do mean to sell the FP3 as soon as a FPmini is available; right?
Well, then I really do hope for you, that the next one will be much smaller.

Browsing/scrolling the web and/or social media do benefit, too. Incidentally, that is an important use-case for the average person. It is the reason for the taller screens these days (21:9 being the new default).

Since Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, bezels have become smaller, and screen to body ratio has improved.

I forgot others as well, e.g. File Managers, Command line tools etc. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Its really the apps, for example the one of the F-Droid weather apps shows a few graphical symbols and like 8 lines of text. But you have to scroll to see all :roll_eyes: