Fairphone Updater (19.05.2) doesn't know about Software update

I read that there was an update for FP Open OS. My updater ignores it.

Deleting my cache and the data (settings > apps > Fairphone Updater > storage) didn’t work. I also deactivated it and “force-killed” it and this forum advice also didn’t help.

I think you misread something there.

19.05.2 is the most recent official version of Fairphone Open OS (without Google stuff)
19.05.3 is the most recent official version of Fairphone OS (incl. Google Play Store etc.)


That is the normal FP OS, not FP Open OS. For the Open OS, 19.05.2 is currently the newest publicly released version.

(There is a security update with the beta testing team at the moment.)

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Just to not confuse anyone: I didn’t know about this, but I also didn’t mean it. So everything is just fine, I think…

But the forum advice didn’t help either.

Don’t worry, this is fine. There will be an announcement on the forum for any updates.


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