Hi there.
After a rainy bike ride (my phone was in my bag but still got a bit wet) it won’t charge anymore.
When I plug it in the charger the logo appears and also the text ‘charging do not unplug’. It then disappears and then it comes back after a couple of seconds. If I leave it in the charger the percentage doesn’t go up. The light indicating the charging is never on.
I already took out the bottom module and thought I dried it.
It didn’t work. I then found out that it much resembled this problem:
I figured I might not have dried it enough so I wanted to repeat my repair attempt more thoroughly but It now appears that I have tightened the screws too much and so can’t even take off the display cover anymore.
If the issue won’t be solved by drying, how do I figure out if it is the bottom module, battery, or some other module that needs to be replaced?
Removed the battery as soon as you noticed it was wet.
Allow to dry in warm air for two days if you didn’t dismantle the phone
if you did dismantle at least one day with all the modules getting a flow of air.
Check the dampness indicators if they are not white then there is no valid warranty.
Once in parts clean what you can with alcohol, not gin, some 90% usually isopropyl alcohol.
Pay extra attentuion to the cleaning the USB port and bottom module.
See if you can find a fairphoneangel nearby that may be able to help with a charged battery etc.
Don’t pray but get on your hands and knees and do the dirty work of dismantling and reassembling, twice if it didn’t work the first time with more air drying an cleaning.
This suggestion might not be a good solution from other people experiences (see next post):
For drying the phone I´d suggest the old trick to put the phone (or better all single parts of it) in a sack of dry rice for a few days. After around 5 days you can be pretty sure it´s dry again.
And only afterwards I would check for corrosions if it still doesn´t work.
Ok. I didn´t know rice (residues) would be a problem for the phone. Personally I think as long as it´s completely try you can easily remove the residues with compressed air or a vacuum cleaner. For protection agains residues you could put the parts of the phone into a cotton bag first and then put the cotton bag into the rice.
Replacing the bottom module solves this problem. This happened to me recently - the exact same as what happened to you - I was cycling in the rain and my phone got a bit damp and then wouldn’t charge properly as you describe. I ordered a new bottom module online and received it in one week, replaced the bottom module, and all is now well again. For the past week I was lucky to have a neighbour who has a fairphone 3 like me and she put my battery in her phone to charge it every day. I will now post the old bottom module back to fairphone in case they can repair it and someone else might use it.