Fairphone lack of support for Quick Remote lock (part of the new Theft Protection features)

As you probably know, there are a handful of new theft protection features[1] that have been rolled out recently.

Earlier in October, all of my devices got the new features… except for my Fairphone who got the new “Theft detection lock” and “Offline device lock”, but not the new “Remote lock”

You can check how it works on https://android.com/lock … it’s really neat, because right after your phone is stolen, you might be outdoor (so, no access to your usual computer) and you probably don’t have any other device on which you’re already logged in your Google account (which would allow you to trigger a remote lock and/or wipe). So, if you enrolled you can just get anyone to loan their device for a few seconds, enough to visit the above link and trigger the lock just with your phone number.

I reported this issue on another channel on October 28th:

You can check it yourself at: Settings → Security and Privacy → Device unlock → Theft protection.

This is what you’ll see on a Fairphone: there should be a “Remote lock” option, between the header “Remotely secure device” and “Find and erase your device”, but unfortunately it’s missing:

This is how it should look like instead (verified on my workplace phone):

After some investigation, this is due to Fairphone not having declared the android.hardware.telephony.subscription feature (which is part of the default telephony features since Android 13)

This is also known as FEATURE_TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION, and without that, several APIs will be unavailable to apps running on a Fairphone. The affected one in this specific case, is probably getPhoneNumber (of course), since the quick Remote lock needs to provide the phone number to enroll in the system.

[1] This is a really important feature to have: a friend of mine got their phone snatched, and I’ve been meters away from two other people who got their phone snatched while out. I live in London UK and it’s a serious problem (link to a Channel 4 documentary if you want to understand better… of course, it won’t stop thiefs shipping stolen phones abroad to be torn apart for spare parts)


I had wondered about this myself and why it was missing as I’d been able to enable on my work Samsung but not my Fairphone.

It’s important this gets resolved.

Well did anyone report to support? The forum is no contact to Fairphone support.


Yes, I’m waiting to hear back from them.

But at least, other people don’t have to be left guessing at what the issue is in the meanwhile


I didn’t because you never know if these things are rollout timeline related… but I think @berdario has done the digging to generate the explanation.

So if more people raise a support request, will it encourage the developers to give it more priority?

And how much work would it be? Sounds like a 2 minute change to me, but those in the know will probably explain that it would take much longer, what with testing and all :slightly_smiling_face:


Fairphone 3 user with latest update and I have the feature.


Ah, interesting… I assumed that the setting that advertise those features wouldn’t have changed between different hardware revisions.

For clarity: I’m using a Fairphone 5.

I’ll add the relevant tag. If there’s any other user who noticed the same also applying to Fairphone 4 I guess we can update the tags later.

PS: nevermind, apparently I cannot edit the tags

I checked on the FP4 and added the tags


Update: I got some messages back and forth with support (all of them pretty noncommittal, so I was trying to push back and have someone from the team responsible for the new releases to acknowledge the issues), the last message there was on November 15th.

Later during the same day, a reply had finally been sent on the other channel through which I raised the issue. Two days ago a further update confirms that the fix should be rolled out in the next… release? (not clear when that would be, but I’m optimistic it shouldn’t take much more than 1 or 2 months)

While looking at the changes for the new stock FP5 release (FP5-UT2H vs FP5-UT2K) I noticed this:

diff '--color=auto' -ur /etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml /etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml
--- /etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml       2009-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ /etc/permissions/android.hardware.telephony.gsm.xml       2009-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 <!-- This is the standard set of telephony features for a GSM phone. -->
+<!--[BUG]-Add by shaopan.tang 2024-11-18 FP5U-846 Enable FEATURE_TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION -->
     <feature name="android.hardware.telephony" />
     <feature name="android.hardware.telephony.gsm" />
+    <feature name="android.hardware.telephony.subscription" />

I can’t test it myself since I am running LineageOS.

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Thats indeed fixed on the FP5

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Yup, I confirm that I got this last release last week and (after several days, maybe because I was roaming? Or maybe it just takes some time) My phone number was verified, per myaccount.google.com/phone

And now Remote lock finally works :tada: