Fairphone community in Scotland?

Hi Everyone. I’m a new Fairphone owner but long-time admirer. (My Samsung lasted 8 years before it finally gave up and I had the excuse to upgrade to a better-designed Fairphone.

I’ve done a Fairphone mining workshop with teachers before and would be keen to set up a Scottish community. I’m based in Stonehaven in the North East.

Let me know if you’re up for it.



That’s great! Welcome to our community. :hugs:

I have already added you to our list of local communities – which of course doesn’t mean you have any obligations now, but it helps people to find your call later. We used to have a Fairphone Angel in Forres, but I think he withdrew a while ago.

From my own experience with the Fairphone Community Aachen, let me just wish you some stamina :wink: Sometimes people will only join you quite a while after first noticing your call.


Thanks very much. There’s no rush and I know that these things tend to happen organically. Once Covid is less restrictive there are some great community groups and spaces around here that we can use.

Last year I held an event to highlight plastic pollution on our coastline and lots of groups came ‘out of the woodwork’ to work together. I think the same could happen with Fairphone here.

It’s amazing how students especially are so aware of fair trade practices when it comes to food, cotton, footballs but are blissfully unaware of mobile technologies’ impact.

Bring on the Scottish Fairphone Revolution!!



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Hi @CharlieB123 ! I have just joined this community. I have a FP4 and live in Scotland. I joined mainly because I was looking for some local repairers (Central Belt) who could repair-substitute a damaged fingerprint sensor without asking for hundreds of pounds! So if you have any piece of advice I’ll happily take it. Otherwise, it’s still nice to stay in the loop with the local community. Cheers! LB


Hi and welcome to the forum

What happened to the sensor ??? and it’s not a replaceable module etc.


Hello, unfortunately I dropped the phone in the water…

The drying regime is important.
Clean with isopropyl alcohol if you can and dry for maybe two days in a cool or warm flow of air.


Thank you so much, I shall try!

I manage this community: edinburgh@fairphone.community

Unfortunately haven’t been well enough for it recently but getting back to it now.

I’ve repaired my fp4 module.
I’m a software developer based in Fife

It would be interesting to hear from other FP Scots!

Feel free to pm


Just found this community thanks to Urs. So sorry you were too ill to be active for a bit, @P1000, glad were much better when you posted this and hope you’re still well,
Andrea in Edinburgh, not very technical but Fairphone user since 2014 when I got my Fairphone1 and have just transitioned yesterday from FP2 to FP4


Cool! I have the Fairphone 4. How are you finding it? Mine is waiting for a replacement internal usb port at the moment so I can’t charge it to use unfortunately. Only for a couple of days. Waiting for the Edinburgh Community Store to be accepted for free shipping of replacement parts.

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Grand, my FP2 was great but I now realise just how slow it had become & it’s also helpful not to have to charge my phone several times a day!

Still finding wee differences to get used to, whether in phone or in newer versions of software; have yet to get 5G running and to investigate camera options!

But all in all, delighted with the upgrade especially as I will be traveling to Canada in early October - traveling on my own and for the first time out of Europe! so glad to have FP4 for that :smile:

Oh this sounds very helpful - do keep us posted!

Great! Re ‘investigate camera options’ do you mean different camera software apps?

Just that the camera (or should I say cameras?) on the FP4 seems more sophisticated than the FP2 :laughing: and my knowledge of cameras and photography is basic at the best of times! I clearly need to read up on zooming in etc,… Do you use all the different camera features?