Fairphone 4 software issues

Me too. I pray every day that they’ll bring back issuetracker.fairphone.com for the fp4.


just guessing - but that might be related to a problem of the SSL web server configuration for https://support.fairphone.com which wasn’t there yesterday:

It will be probably fixed soon…

Best Regards,


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Hi Razem :slight_smile:

Thanks for your input.

To answer your question, only bugs that have a high or medium priority make it to the list of issues (we could definitely call it that!). We are aware that right now not all issues that fall within that category are there, making the list incomplete, but we are working on updating it. Please keep in mind we won’t be able to have it updated until mid/end of July.

I will forward your feedback to the team to make sure we include as many as possible. But as I said, if the bug isn’t on the list doesn’t mean we aren’t aware of it - we sure are and will be working on it :gear:

Have a lovely day :sparkles:


I’m a bit more than puzzled that the dimming issue is not at least considered to be medium priority. Its summertime and makes the phone quite unusable outside, so please ensure this is handled with highest priority. We know the team is aware, however from your comment it feels it has not the attention it needs.


So a bug that leads to bricked devices that are literally unusable, except for a paperweight is not a high priority bug for Fairphone?
I mean this bug is well-known for 1.5 years and has caused a lot of consultations for your support so you should be aware of that huge issue.

Anyway, I hope this list will be updated soon and include more of these high priority bugs…


Hey heyyy! :slight_smile:

As I mentioned in the first post, not all bugs are listed, and we will be working on updating the list.
The fact that an issue isn’t listed doesn’t necessarily mean it’s low priority. It just means it isn’t on the public issue list.

Hope this clarifies all the doubts :sparkles:


Can’t see anything useful in a list with a random collection of bugs.


Yeah some kind of sorting or category system would help that list quite a bit, I’d imagine.

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I can see some issues being worked on, why would you say it’s a random list.

I’m sure Fairphone have considered a) the most dramatic issue and b) the most common issues and they are the ones in the list.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t just pick them at random out of a hat ???

Obviously not, as @Razem already wrote:

The screen-dimming-bug makes the phone for some time completly unusable. If something like that had been a problem with my FP2 I would never have thought of buying a Fairphone again.


Well I understand what you mean by referring to the quotes but that does not mean Fairphone haven’t seen even more important issues that they are dealing with.

Also I’m sure somewhere above it makes it clear the list doesn’t have all the issues etc.

So the list may not have the issues you would like addressed but that doesn’t mean it’s some random selection.

I would argue (and I believe I’m not the only one) that everything on that list apart from the ghost touches is less critical than the issues I’ve pointed out. Hence my curiosity.


Well apart from asking Fairphone exactly why the list is as it is, then it will remain a mystery, and of course any answer could and would likely be questioned/challenged and would not really help in the fixing.

Similarly this subject is really just a sound of by users I suppose :speak_no_evil:

That’s why I asked @Marta_Artigas. Until we know the key by which issues are or are not published, this incomplete list is, in my opinion, somewhat meaningless.


Yes I thought their response was quite clear ?? But as for how such decision are reached is just another arguable issue :slight_smile:

And that’s exactly what I’m trying to understand. We know that not all issues are published. We do not know why.


@anon9989719 I guess your point is clear and will not help to change what @Razem is saying, so maybe it would be a good point to stop going on circles. Thanks


Hello everyone! a little update from our side:

The Public Issue Tracker and website have been updated. You now will be able to have a broader overview of the high and medium priority bugs we are aware of. The list will be updated around every 8 weeks.

Please, read the statement on the website thoroughly as we explain different matters such as what high and medium priority means or what if your bug is not on the list, among others.

Hope this work helps to better understand where we are now and sheds some light on the topic.

Wishing you all a lovely day :slight_smile:


Every reasonable bug tracker assigns an ID to every issue when it is entered to make identifying bugs easier. Can you please do that?


Does this mean you’re not “aware” of the bootloader issue? :thinking: I mean, the “Unknown warning message” bug is listed and that ultimately seems pretty harmless in comparison.