Hi- I live in the US and was able to get a Fairphone 3. I am on the AT&T network and having difficulty connecting. I get calls/texts but not data (incl no group texts or picture texts).
Does anyone know the settings I need to put it on to work? What I mean is - do I need to change anything in the Settings on the phone, such as which Access Point? And Which Preferred Network Type?
Dear ChuckMorris,
Thank you so much for your reply!
That was the info I was looking for. I made the changes that it talked about; still didn’t connect.
One more question if you know the answer, under Network Settings, Advanced, should I have “Enhanced 4G LTE Mode” on or off?
And the preferred network type, I have that as the “2G/3G/4G auto” choice. Is that correct?
Maybe having one of these settings wrong is the problem.
Again, thank you so much.
Trying to do the same thing. Find out if the FP3 would work on US cell carriers. It’s a learning process and even if it does not work here in the US or I decide not to try the FP3 I have learned alot.
I found this website that describes each band that each of the carriers use.
If I understand correctly:
AT&T - would not work well as they use band 17 as the primary “backbone” of the network.
T-Mobile - Would work on bands 2 and 4.
Did not look at the other carriers yet. Any comments as to the accuracy or inaccuracy of the data?
Wanted to weigh in on this. I go back to the US (Houston) once a year, buy myself a throwaway Net10 plan for a month (with ATT sim) and in practice it’s worked okay. Haven’t had times when it hasn’t really worked, although I don’t really watch videos on cell data. In the future, as they remove towers with 3g service and replace with 5g, it may pose an issue but none so far. Phone coverage is perfect.