Fairphone 3 stops charging

Hi - my FP3 is failing to charge. I’ve tried different charging cables, doesn’t help. I plug it in, and it starts charging then just stops, saying its not able to charge, so I have to keep unplugging it and re-plugging it back in again. sometimes it’ll only do a few percent before stopping.

Can anyone advise? Has anyone else had same problem?

Many thanks

If you search you will find many similar problems

The most likely issues are tarnished contacts or debris in the port.

There is also the possibility that the modules contacts to the core module are not efficient.

The port may also have suffered physical distortion after many plugins especially if it has been wiggled around to get it to work, also even many cables can be a failing point.

Best check for debris first.

If you are out of warranty you can remove the bottom module and dismantle it for a better access to cleaning.


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