Fairphone 2 production and delivery thread

Same for me. I first thought it was the order number, but since that’s 200048545 for an order in the end of october, I guess it’s not the same. We will have to wait and find out :slight_smile:

In another thread @taleport wrote about not seeing the delivery number:


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the new blog post is just in! :smile: https://www.fairphone.com/2015/12/03/december-production-update-how-production-workforce-and-delivery-are-intertwined/

" We estimate that up to 4,000 phones will be shipped before Christmas, and another 6,000 phones are expected to leave by the end of the year."


The delivery number is in the invoice email and not the order email (if that helps):

I think there is a difference for the crowdfunding people, who got a delivery number, and the “normal” pre-orders. Probably because of the large numbers that are bought by the reselling partners at the end of the pre-order period?

Hi all,

I wanted to share our December production update published on the blog this afternoon (you were quicker than me, @rainer_zufall).

I’ll make sure @anon48893843 from the support team hears your questions about the delivery number. An email to owners will be going out shortly.



The working conditions of the workers are more important than an earlier delivery. I proudly wait a little longer.


How are the chances that the rest of the 15.000 pre ordered phones will be delivered by the end of january? When will production pick back up after new years eve?

There’s even better news for you.
In the blog it says:[quote]
We estimate that up to 4,000 phones will be shipped before Christmas, and another 6,000 phones are expected to leave by the end of the year. Based on our current sales, the remainder of the pre-ordered phones will be shipped during the first half January.

Thanks a lot for the update: I think most of us understand and support the fairphone decision about not having “temporary workers” to cut production time at the expenses of the workers welfare.

This being said, how reliable is the estimate that has been given for the first batch (4000 before Christmas)? I will travel between two countries, so picking the shipping address correctly is crucial for me (I’m number ~600).

Keep up with the great work!

I would recommend to talk about this with Fairphone support. If I were you, I would consider asking Fairphone to just delay my shipment until my shipping address is more calculable for me.

must have missed that part. thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile:

So, I will receive my Fairphone 2 between Christmas and the end of the year… Not bad, I can wait.

Actually, you cannot change the address to another country. I have the same problem. I got order number ~500, but I moved countries in the meantime, which wasn’t planned. So Fairphone offered me to either have it sent to a different address in my old country, or to cancel my order and lose the special first supporter pack (whatever that is) plus the early number, and place a new order instead. That really sucked and still sucks. But it means that I have it sent to a friend now and won’t get it until January, despite the low order number and early support… Fairphone claims it has to do with tax reasons, despite moving within the EU… Ah well, I really hate that little extra patience, which I find highly unreasonable, but I support that extra patience needed for keeping their social standards up overseas!


In some respects EU is still a loosely coupled bunch of nation states, everybody trying to retain some control of his own…

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With many benefits, though.
Regarding Fairphone those would include the Single Market Policies and the free movement of goods! :wink:

Mmmh be aware that they are said to be shipped, not delivered. You might have to wait a little bit more…


You are right… unfortunately

@leVin42 Definitely! Only, for some things tighter integration would help :slight_smile:


Oh, I see! Well, that makes it way easier to decide; I’ll just wait to get back home after the holidays.
Thanks a lot for telling us!

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