Experiences from and suggestions for community organizing

New year, new unsolicited suggestion from me …

Forum groups

Over the last couple of years, I have kept inviting my local community members to join the forum. By now 30 have done so (not everyone needed my push :wink: ). So far I organized the internal communication in one simple private message that included all these Aachen forum members, but when I was recently trying to add #31, the “Add” button was gone – PMs have a default limit of 30 participants, it emerged. This limit can be altered by admins, and as a short-term fix, this was granted.

However, I took it as a sign and finally implemented the move to a forum group of our own (you can find it easily in the list of forum groups), a step our tireless moderator @Volker had encouraged me to do for quite a while (my laziness challenged his admirable patience quite a bit …). Volker and @Alex.A were very helpful in the endeavour and it went pretty quickly and smooth. I am sure they will help you just as swiftly as they helped me, so don’t hesitate if you think it’s a step that your community could benefit from, too.

However, as I still have a local Fairphone email list of around twice the size of our group, I’m continuing to send occasional emails to that list, but only like 2-3 times a quarter, often including a note that anybody who wants more frequent updates can join the forum and our group.

P.S.: I have adapted the topic title.