I’ve been following Fairphone for a long time! I wanted to buy the first one, but as FP2 was announced, I decided to wait. And when it was released, I received an old phone from a friend. I had never bought a phone, all my phones where gifts from friends getting new ones. I have always had old phones with some issues and you get used to it! Maybe not fair, but quite ecological…
When I got my FP2, I can say that I was both really happy and quite impressed by it. I installed FPOOS directly and I haven’t had more troubles than with my previous Android phones. I have had issues (minor: clock resets after reboot https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fp-open-os-clock-resets-after-reboot/17635 and major: GPS starts working after 10 minutes GPS doesn´t work on FP Open OS), but I prefer to try and have some issues with FPOOS than to use the (safer) OS with Google. I’m really happy that FP has released this open OS!
Like @christoph, I wouldn’t mind a smaller phone, but I can live with this one! I’ve read another message where someone asked for a non-smart fairphone (aka with keypad and a small non-fancy screen), which would also be a very good idea (but I don’t know if these phones have the same conflict-free minerals issues).
Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc. all have had several versions of their smartphones. Some might think than FP2 isn’t as good as an iPhone 6-7 or an Samsung 7, but it’s already pretty good and we have 5 more versions to improve! But seriously, I hope that FP won’t bring out a new phone every year…