The week is set now. We will be meeting in week 34 of 2016!
Anybody else who is interested may still get in contact with us.
@Stefan you could edit you post accordingly
I was just going to do so! Edit: updated!
I am in! Just reserved the date in my calendar.
To everyone who wants to join us and be part of the decision making process: Shout out, so @Vinni, me, or someone else can add you to the group message!
I’ll do my very best in assistance for planning.
Date is also reserved for joining.
As soon as the programme is made, I can let you know on which parts I will join you.
Due to health problems I have to plan my days carefully.
I’m in! The date seems good, obviously I will confirm my certain presence later!
A post was split to a new topic: Workshops/Activities we would like to see at the EFCT
Okay, who else wants to go?
I’ve contacted some apartments already, so if you want to take part in the EFCT, reply here and we’ll add you to the PM, where we do the decision making.
Me! I’m not sure if I can join all the activities, but definitely some:)
I’ve added you to the PM!
As it seems I need to go south for the following two weeks, so I am currently considering to make a stop in Amsterdam for this event and join for a couple of days. Would fit quite well to my schedule
Calling for a 7th person to stay with us in our community apartment!
Price for 6 nights is 247,19€ (~42€ pppn).
Reply here or contact @paulakreuzer.
I have no idea where I will end up this year. If it is possible I would like to join, but it could be a very spontaneous thing to do.
I would still like to get the information about this
We have found an apartment (42€pppn) for the given week and are already 6 people, who are staying there. There are 7 beds though. If you want to go and need accommodation, shout out!
##It’s also time to think about the awesome things that will happen at the EFCT16!
Go to this page and add your name to an activity/workshop, you could organize. If you are thinking of something completely different, add that too!
I’m gonna push this. Thinking of that week a lot but I am currently too busy to plan much more. What is the current status?
Are you telepathic? I was just thinking about this (also, in fact, over the past week), and wondered, if I should post here…
Yeah, I noticed that. And that’s why I took the initiative.
Actually, are we still looking for one or two more people to join us? Did we have empty space? We should probably advertise that then.
There is one bed free, if I am up to date. @paulakreuzer?
When will you have more time? I suggest to have a call with @Douwe then, to talk about the things Fairphone can provide us with, and the things we have to take care of.
I don’t have time, I make time. Sometime next week? How should we talk? On Skype maybe?