Electromagnetic waves,
EM ElectroMagnetic (Frequency or Waves) EMF = EMW x 300,000
Visible light, X-rays and Gamma rays are exactly that :- ElectroMagnetic waves of various Frequencies.
Gamma is high level ionising radiation is that which has enough energy to disrupt cells/atoms/particles by resonance as the object absorbs energy at a frequency relative to it’s physical size.
Light frequencies will resonate around 1micrometre Gamma rays around 10 pico metres. etc
Then there is the strength of signal. Sunlight has an average max of approx 1000Watts/m2 falling on naked skin for example and can burn. Violet light being at the higher end will carry more energy and burn quicker.
2.4Ghz which is what (4G, Bluetooth, Wifi, Microwaves) is rarely producing 3.2Watts. So the largest dose would be from using the phone by the head and getting part of the 3.2Watts by your ear, but note that there is unlikely to be 1Watt facing your ear.
Given that the visible light EMF is 100,000 more energetic than the 2.4Ghz and your body receives 1000 times more power from the sun when bathing naked you are subject to EM wave energy level 100 million times the strength of your mobile.
2.4Ghz has a wavelength of approx 1cm so if you have lots of short hairs on your head you will pick up a lot more 2.4Ghz. I was in the navy as mentioned with lots of short hair. When I left in 1969 I decided not tune in to any particular range of vibes and so I stopped cutting my hair and shaving, so now I have long dreadlocks picking up frequencies around 300Mhz ~ lower than most radio transmissions and I sleep really well
However if sleep is being upset by 2.4Ghz then something in your body corporeal or in your mental patterns are operating at the same frequency and feeling stress. This could be as simple as the object, cellular or electrical being orientated towards the signal source, laying down to sleep alters the orientation of your body|mind parts and can effect signal quantity reception. I sleep with my head north if I feel a bit sick, like being on a roundabout with my head spinning slower towards the centre. If I want my mind to be agile I sleep head to east to pick up the suns early gravity and light, before my feet feel the pull to get up.
So you can see I consider the orientation of my mind and body to my surroundings for my well being not to the actual objects of the external world being the cause.
RE your note on Ancient radar technologies. The ancient hardware has been replaced but the frequencies and pluses and strengths are much the same so your inclination to dismiss them as being the same is rather void.
True some wifi is 24/7 the transmission masts for example. But my wifi is off at night and my distance from my router isn’t constant, unlike many school children who may be so fixed, and my phone isn’t strapped to my ear. On this you may like to see paragraph Fairphone NoFry™ of the post
The bandwidth spectrum is rather irrelevant as it’s the 2.4G band is not enormous it is exactly what it is the 2.4Ghz band or the 5Ghz band ~ as compared to over 430,000Ghz for red sunlight and 730,000Ghz for violet light. The bandwidth of light is about one octave max. 2.4GHz’s bandwidth at 60MHz is more like a semitone of bandwidth.
So whereas you may be allergic to 2.4Ghz as some are to peanuts the wifi is not the cause, it is your state of being. And as I said it is your state of being and if you are not happy with 2.4Ghz then you will stay clear of it.
Anyway as this is well off-topic I will not continue further discussion on em waves, but thanks again for your indulgence.