Dear all,
I am not entirly sure that I am in the right thread beeing completely new here. I was thrilled to discover that there is a GUI for the installation of e on FP3. That was, what gave me the confidence to try to actually flash a new phone without real experience.
The program led me well throughout the first steps. I believe I managed to unlock the bootloader, since I do get the screen with the green START written on top. But I am stuck there: the easy-installer on my PC does not show a “continue” button when I reached that screen on the phone and I tried all options from the fastboot menu on the phone except for the recovery mode without triggering any progress. Does anyone have a hunch what I could be missing?
Hi Ingo,
thanks a lot, uptdating the drivers solved my issue. I then restarted the installer and it kept walking me through the process step by step. And it was not complicated at all. I have to say it really is awesome. Thanks for making this possible for people without coding skills